Comments on: How Old is Your Mommy? Laying the foundation for a lifetime of achievement Thu, 20 Sep 2018 20:38:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marivel Lopez Thu, 20 Sep 2018 20:38:22 +0000 I believe it is a great idea to bring in counting and sharing with a chart and numbers to count how many members in the family do the children have. It will open their mind and extend learning numbers, people and have alot of communication with each other. M Lopez

By: Jen Sun, 18 Nov 2012 15:52:51 +0000 I love that you can explain the difference between saying the words and understanding the meaning. We often hear parents report that their children can count to 100 or beyond and when I explain that this is a language skill coupled with memorization, they look at me like I am crazy. They are convinced that the recitation of numbers is a math skill. I look forward to hearing about your own experiences, too.

By: mathissexy Sun, 18 Nov 2012 00:22:56 +0000 \”But just because they can tell you that they are “3″ or “4″, doesn’t mean that they have a real understanding of what that number means\”

This is very true. Research shows that, like in literacy, kids can recite and even count without really seeing counting in the accumulation sense. The idea of counting as accumulation rather than representing an ordering is huge and difficult for some young learners. Since age isn\’t something tangible, this is even more challenging, not to mention the fact that numbers over 20 are difficult for young children. Fun stuff.
I\’m looking forward to seeing this in action with my son in a few months.
