CCAP – Early Math Counts Laying the foundation for a lifetime of achievement Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:47:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 183791774 It is TIME to Get LOUD Wed, 12 Aug 2015 16:50:30 +0000 Even though many of our readers do not live in the State of Illinois, today’s post focuses on those of you who do.  We are in the middle of several critical, colliding crisis in the city of Chicago as well and it is time for all of us to sit up and GET LOUD!

1.  The City Colleges of Chicago has announced that they are closing 5 of the 6 child development programs across the city.  The only child development program that will be left will be housed at Truman College on the north side.  This will drastically limit access to affordable early childhood education to people who want to become teachers of young children on the south and southwest sides of the city.  To get involved, you can sign the petition here, and read more here and here.

2.  Governor Rauner continues to threaten the Child Care Assistance Program.  Yesterday, the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules failed to stop his plan.   Read about it here at Progress Illinois.

3.  Over 450 people were notified of layoffs at Chicago Public Schools over the past 2 days. Read about that here.

There are other troubling decisions being made but I thought I would focus on these big three.  Everyone will be affected in some way by the three decisions above, so it is now time to get educated, speak up, and speak out for the children and families you serve, for your teachers, for your friends, for your neighbor’s children, for your own children, and for your grandchildren.

Read more about the goings-on of Illinois politics here at the Better Government Association.

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