geometry – Early Math Counts Laying the foundation for a lifetime of achievement Tue, 21 May 2024 00:12:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 183791774 Puzzles, Persistence and Play! Tue, 02 Jan 2024 13:00:00 +0000 Out of the corner of my eye, I notice three-year-old Saaliha, who is patiently working her way through a rainbow puzzle. Her friends are busy in other parts of the classroom, but Saaliha is problem-solving her way to puzzle mastery. I sit down next to her to observe her learning style, and she is so […]]]>

Out of the corner of my eye, I notice three-year-old Saaliha, who is patiently working her way through a rainbow puzzle. Her friends are busy in other parts of the classroom, but Saaliha is problem-solving her way to puzzle mastery. I sit down next to her to observe her learning style, and she is so engrossed in her learning that my presence goes unnoticed.

Open-ended materials such as Saaliha’s rainbow puzzle often lead to long periods of deep concentration and learning. Today is no different.  Although this rainbow puzzle often lands in the block area in the shape of a snake, a tunnel or a flowing river, Saaliha is trying to assemble the pieces so that the puzzle will fit back into its round wooden tray for storage.

Puzzle play is a great time to build cognitive and fine-motor skills. In addition to finding the correct sequence of sizes, Saaliha must determine how each block must be placed to complete the puzzle. I watch as Saaliha flips, turns and rotates the pieces to figure out where they go and in what order.

I love observing Saaliha’s learning style and seeing how it corresponds to her developmental level. I see her set aside pieces that are not needed at the moment. Saaliha’s spatial awareness is growing with each try.

As Saaliha plays with the puzzle, I note how her choices and strategies change. She begins to recognize and understand how the pieces fit together to complete the puzzle. I watch her sorting and testing pieces of different sizes and moving them in different directions until each piece fits properly.

As she builds her spatial awareness, Saaliha is also strengthening the small muscles in her hands while improving her manual dexterity and building foundational problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. This is a learning adventure that requires the eyes, hands and brain to work together!

Saaliha is soon joined by her two-year-old buddy, Eleanor. These two best friends are 11 months apart in age—with different learning styles and different levels of brain development.

As they work together to fit the yellow arch into the puzzle, they discuss and test out different strategies. The collaboration continues as Eleanor tries to solve a problem her older friend could not.

Saaliha never reaches over to remove the piece from her younger friend’s hand. She is observing and reasoning as deeply as she had been moments earlier when the puzzle piece was in her own hand. Eleanor quickly loses interest, but Saaliha perseveres.

Saaliha tries new pieces and new directions. I can practically see the wheels turning in her brain. She is coming up with new ideas and testing out different theories.

She is not rushed or agitated, and she doesn’t ask for assistance. She simply keeps trying new patterns and new pieces. In short, she is riveted to this learning opportunity.

Suddenly it all clicks into place. Saaliha has an “Aha” moment, and I can see her confidence surge as she fits the pieces together more quickly. She has solved the puzzle!

There is no celebration, just a smile of satisfaction. She studies the finished project. Before I can capture her expression of satisfaction with my camera, she disassembles the puzzle to do it over again.

As Saaliha starts over, I continue to observe her strategies and methods. Her perseverance continues to reward her with stronger puzzle-solving skills.

What better way to build an early math foundation?

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Shine a Light Fri, 01 Dec 2023 13:00:00 +0000   “Saaliha, come with me to the light table,” Evelyn whispers. “I have to show you something!” Hand in hand, the two preschoolers quietly make their way over to our light table. This darkened corner of our classroom never fails to mesmerize the children with its soft glow and luminous colors. As the days grow […]]]>


“Saaliha, come with me to the light table,” Evelyn whispers. “I have to show you something!”

Hand in hand, the two preschoolers quietly make their way over to our light table. This darkened corner of our classroom never fails to mesmerize the children with its soft glow and luminous colors.

As the days grow shorter and darker—and the hectic holiday season approaches—it’s the perfect time to engage children in calming investigative play with light and color.

Before we gather around the light table, I dim the lights in the classroom and put on some soft music to create a soothing and tranquil setting for the children, who are often overscheduled, tired and anxious during these busy December days.

“Look!” says Evelyn. “I took a play silk from our dress-up bin and put it on the light table!”

Evelyn moves over to make room for Saaliha at the light table and the two friends immerse themselves in STEAM collaboration, problem-solving and investigation. The girls are completely absorbed in their play—and the learning is enhanced by the presence of a friend and collaborator.

“That’s cool!” says Saaliha. “It makes everything look a little different, but you can still see all of the different colors!”  

The light table allows for open-ended play, where children can experiment and create without strict guidelines. This type of play fosters the development of creativity and problem-solving skills as the children follow their curiosity, devise their own experiments and draw their own conclusions. This child-led play also fosters an investigative mindset, which can lead to hours of exploration and discovery.

“Try this!” Evelyn suggests as she shows Saaliha how to duck under the silk to compare the views. 

The girls experiment with different color combinations and share their theories and discoveries. The light table always seems to spark curiosity and encourages children to ask questions and seek answers.

As more children join the investigative play, they expand their knowledge base by collecting data and adding probability to their investigative skills.

This is a shared space that encourages collaborative investigations. Collaboration fosters communication skills, teamwork and the ability to share ideas with peers.

Children work together to create patterns, build structures and explore different materials—a process that helps foster the development verbal and social skills.

The hands-on nature of these activities promotes a deeper understanding of mathematical principles through play.

Children can investigate fundamental mathematical concepts such as counting, sorting, patterns and shapes on the light table. 

These long play periods extend the learning as the group explores spatial relationships, patterns and sequencing, laying a foundation for more advanced mathematical thinking.

Play at the light table is naturally enjoyable for young children. The combination of vibrant colors, interactive materials and the freedom to explore creates a positive and joyful learning experience that can contribute to a lifelong love of learning. 

Light tables allow children to learn at their own pace, which makes the play developmentally appropriate for every early learner. The children build on their own knowledge and share their observations with others.

When children are making observations and discoveries, they are forming and testing hypotheses. These self-directed learning experiences empower them to continue to explore and investigate beyond the classroom.

So turn on that light table and watch the magic of play and discovery brighten the day! 

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Geometry with Chalk Mosaics Fri, 01 Sep 2023 12:00:52 +0000 sidewalk chalk mosaic“Oh, I like your mosaic, Avery!” says Claire, who has wandered over to look at the mosaic that Avery has just created with sidewalk chalk and tape. “Yours only had triangles. We did squares and triangles and those long skinny squares.” “Oh, you mean rectangles! I want to see it!” Avery exclaims. He jumps up […]]]> sidewalk chalk mosaic

“Oh, I like your mosaic, Avery!” says Claire, who has wandered over to look at the mosaic that Avery has just created with sidewalk chalk and tape. “Yours only had triangles. We did squares and triangles and those long skinny squares.”

“Oh, you mean rectangles! I want to see it!” Avery exclaims. He jumps up to compare their creations.

Our days have been full of busy children drawing shapes and creating colorful chalk mosaics on the sidewalk. This activity offers many opportunities to work on shape recognition while extending the learning to the outdoor classroom.

Start by creating a shape on the sidewalk or a flat surface with masking tape. Divide the inside area into smaller shapes. If this is your first attempt at introducing chalk mosaics to your students, I would suggest beginning with a few small areas that measure about two feet by three feet, with smaller shapes inside.

Why start out small? The children can see results faster—and smaller is better for our youngest students, who haven’t yet developed the hand and wrist strength to color in larger shapes. On a more practical note, I’ve discovered that smaller shapes are better when the children are using smaller pieces of chalk.

You can always go bigger as the children get the hang of chalk mosaics. If you have an endless supply of wasabi tape, this easy-to-tear tape enables them to create their own shapes inside the larger shape. 

Leaving a basket of chalk nearby will invite the children to start coloring in the shapes. Once the children have completed the mosaic, simply remove the tape and admire the masterpiece! 

As your students learn to identify shapes, they can use spatial orientation vocabulary to describe the relative positions of the shapes. Preschoolers should understand and be able to use positional words such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, next to, between, on, over, under and inside.

Shapes are the foundation of geometry. Geometry involves shape, size, position, direction and movement.

In early education, geometric skills include identifying and comparing shapes, differentiating between shapes and creating shapes.

Children need hands-on investigation to understand more than just naming or classifying shapes. Our chalk mosaics introduce children to simple shapes—as well as more advanced concepts such as symmetry, angles and fractions.

“My chalk is shrinking really fast!” giggles Rowan.

Oh, how I love shrinking chalk! Yes, we are definitely collecting data, making observations and noticing cause and effect.

But there’s more happening here than meets the eye. We know that the transition to smaller writing utensils helps promote the development of better gripping skills. As the children continue to draw and their pieces of sidewalk chalk get shorter and smaller, they are effectively transitioning to smaller writing tools and increasing their grip strength.

We try not to rush writing in our young learners. But when it happens spontaneously, we try to promote the use of smaller pieces of chalk, crayons or pencils to help them develop age-appropriate gripping skills.

These are all bonuses for kindergarten readiness—above and beyond the early math learning standards. This is the foundation that we talk about when we play our way into academic life. These small steps will enable our children to succeed when it’s time to sit at a desk. 

I have a few insights into the hidden benefits of chalk play—insights that can be shared with parents who may question the value of outdoor play and its role in advancing their children’s kindergarten readiness. Kindergarten, sadly,  involves a lot of sitting time. Children need strength throughout their bodies—including strong core muscles to sit all day. When children get down on their hands and knees and support their upper-body weight with their arms and hands, this strengthens their core muscles, as well as their shoulder muscles, which are so important for fine motor dexterity.

There’s a lot of math built into our chalk play. Follow the lead of your students, connect the curriculum to the play and you’ll meet your learning standards every day!

Looking for more ways to play with shapes? Extend the learning with these Early Math Counts shape lesson plans!


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Geometry With Robots! Mon, 01 May 2023 12:00:31 +0000

“I-am-a-robot!  I-can-do-anything!” squeaks Terrell in his best four-year-old robot voice.

“Oh, I like that you used that octagon for your robot’s head,” says Michaela. “I am going to try that!” 

We are deep into robot construction this month and robots are popping up all over our play spaces. We are constructing robots from clay. We have block robots. We have MagnaTile robots and button robots. What a great opportunity to work on shapes and spatial reasoning

When children play with shapes, they are building rudimentary skills that lay the foundation for later math learning, as well as reading and writing. Shape recognition and identification can help children understand signs and symbols. Children begin to notice shapes before they have the language to name those shapes. In the toddler and preschool years, children learn to name their first shapes: circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.

Shapes are the foundation of geometry. Children need hands-on investigation to understand more than just naming or classifying shapes. Our robot play acquaints children with simple shapes—as well as more advanced concepts such as symmetry, angles and fractions—as they engage in activities such as measuring, counting or investigating 2D and 3D shapes.

Geometry involves shape, size, position, direction and movement. In early education, geometric skills include identifying and comparing shapes, differentiating between shapes and creating shapes.

During our robot-building bonanza, the children are combining shapes in their constructive play. I watch as they learn that they can combine two squares to make a rectangle. They begin to see what happens when they turn a shape upside down. It is still the same shape even if it looks different. 

Research suggests that preschoolers’ early mathematics learning—including spatial-thinking skills—is related to later success in both reading and math. When children hear us use spatial terms to describe the size, shape and location of objects—and then adopt those words themselves—they perform better in activities requiring spatial skills.

Playing with blocks and puzzles and using spatial words such as above, below, across, on top of, inside and outside enables children to talk about where things are located. This strengthens their understanding of these concepts as they use the vocabulary words repeatedly throughout their play.

Geometric shapes are a kindergarten common core standard, and when children actually play with shapes, the learning becomes deeper, more intentional and more relevant. When children manipulate 3D shapes during hands-on play, they build a deeper understanding of these shapes.

Research has also shown that young children’s spatial skills—rather than their numerical abilities—predict their overall mathematics achievement. The key skill is visualizing what the shapes will look like when they are combined or rotated (Young et al., 2018). A focus on shapes and spaces may provide a more accessible route to math for some children, rather than focusing on numbers alone.

Spatial reasoning develops when children learn how to recognize relationships between 2D shapes and 3D shapes. How is a circle like a ball? How is a square like a box? As children discover that they can rotate, flip and rearrange shapes in different ways to change their possible shape and direction, they become increasingly aware of 2D shapes.

There is a lot of math built into our robot play. Follow the lead of your students, connect the curriculum to the play and you’ll meet your learning standards every day! 

Looking for more ways to play with shapes? Extend the learning with these Early Math Counts shape lesson plans

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The Magic Tree Wed, 01 Jun 2022 13:00:21 +0000  

Do you know about our Magic Tree?” four-year-old Rowan asks Alex. She pauses dramatically before passing on the secret of the beloved old tree that has long been a source of delight and inquiry for the children in our early learning program.

“Watch, Alex!” she instructs. “I will push this stick into the tree, way up here, and say ‘Hocus Pocus.’ Then I can pull the stick out of the tree way down here at the bottom!”

Alex is the perfect audience for Rowan’s magic trick. I watch as the rest of the gang joins in the fun to demonstrate the tree’s “magical” abilities, much to Alex’s amazement.

“See?  I put the stick in this circle hole. It’s a hollow tree! There isn’t any tree inside, it’s just a hole!” explains Rowan.And then you can pull it out down here at the bottom of the tree!”

“The tree is hollow?” Alex repeats in wonder, moving closer to the tree to peer into the hole.

“Yep, it is!” exclaims Owen, who has just joined the gaggle of STEM explorers gathered around the tree. “So you can just push your stick in and say the magic words and pull it out down here!”

Our Magic Tree has evoked wonder and curiosity in the entire gang, sparking a STEM investigation that helps lay the foundation for later math, science and engineering learning. Nature has provided the ultimate learning tool and transformed a moment of outdoor play into an exploration of the concepts of spatial relationships and geometry.

As the children explore the Magic Tree, each moment of learning comes naturally and at each child’s developmental level. When the older children share the secrets of the tree with younger learners, relationship building and trust building add to the magic of the moment.

An understanding of spatial relationships helps children talk about where things are located. Physical, hands-on play like this helps build a child’s mathematical vocabulary in a natural way that is easily understood. When a child can push a stick through a cylinder shape, the concept behind the word through is easier to grasp.

So we allow the children to investigate by pushing sticks down the circle hole, through the hollow part of the tree and out again through the bottom of the trunk. This exploration of spatial relationships—which leads to an understanding of where objects are in relationship to something else—is an essential building block for later math learning.

Children need to learn the language of math to think through and solve their math challenges and then communicate their thought processes to others.

When children play and experiment with sticks and hollow trees with their friends, they learn how to problem-solve and put their thoughts into words. This strengthens their understanding of early math concepts as they use math vocabulary words repeatedly throughout their play.

Geometric shapes are a kindergarten common core standard. When children actually play with (and within) these shapes as they explore the inside of the hollow tree, the learning becomes deeper, more intentional and more relevant.

“I think it’s stuck!” yells one child.

“Wait! How many sticks are in there?” asks another.

We begin to get a better sense of measurement as we visually estimate the length of a stick that will fit into the hollow tree and come out the other side.

Opportunities like these are rich in learning, creativity and teamwork as we share theories and develop hypotheses about stick sizes and shapes, as well as angles of insertion, that will result in the “magical reappearance” of the stick at the bottom of the tree.

Problem-solving play helps children develop foundational skills that will be used in math learning in the years to come. Our gang of STEM explorers is busy making predictions, gathering data, studying cause and effect and organizing their information to try something new. We are knocking out those Illinois Early Learning Standards by the minute!

“Can we make the stick go UP the tree?” wonders Linnea.

“I’ll try!” Rowan chimes in.

Hands-on learning also enables children to take their understanding to a deeper level, so that they can analyze the information that they have collected and then apply this knowledge when they create their own experiences.

The children’s enthusiasm for experimenting with the Magic Tree is contagious. When we let children learn through play, movement and trial and error, we lay the groundwork for the kind of deep learning that builds new neural connections. These are the moments that inspire our early learners to investigate the possibilities.

When we introduce children to the vocabulary of math, we are building a foundation for future math success. This early math website has a fabulous glossary of math vocabulary words.

Introduce these vocabulary words into moments of investigative play and you’ll not only see but “hear” the connections being formed in the brains of your budding mathematicians.

If you don’t have a magic tree nearby, a large box can create the same kind of magic. Cut two holes at different heights on opposite sides of the box and bring in yardsticks or other long objects. This can also be done on a smaller, individual scale with oatmeal boxes and rulers or pipe cleaners.

The possibilities are endless, so let the STEM magic begin!

Looking for more ways to explore math concepts such as measurement and length? Check out our Links and Length lesson plan and parent letter here >


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Exploring Colors on the Light Table Mon, 15 Nov 2021 18:49:12 +0000  

As the days grow shorter and the slanting rays of sun that create our rainbows are replaced by clouds, we shift our energy to other forms of investigative play with light and color.

“Saaliha, come play with me at the light table!” Nora calls out.

Saaliha joins her friend and the STEM investigations into light, color and reflection continue.

“Watch what happens when I put all of the reds together,” instructs Nora. “But look! It’s not really red. It’s pink! Ta-da!”

Saaliha is immediately drawn into this color exploration. I watch as Nora moves over to make room for Saaliha at the light table and the two friends immerse themselves in STEM collaboration, problem-solving and investigation.  

“It is pink! Can I have the red one?” Saaliha asks. Nora passes a transparent half-sphere her way.

The girls experiment with different color combinations and share their theories and discoveries.

We love our light table because it never disappoints, stimulating long periods of intense play as the children lay translucent objects one over the other.

Light-table play can be a calming, absorbing experience for a child, and the learning is often enhanced by the presence of a friend and collaborator.

These explorations of color and light also offer opportunities to assess the children’s predictive abilities. As the children expand their knowledge base through trial and error, they collect “data” and add “probability” to their investigative skills.

Everything and anything translucent can be used in light and color play. We add a variety of colored translucent tiles to the light table, cut cellophane sheets into shapes to create mosaics and layer translucent paddles to create new and sometimes unexpected colors.

We add bingo chips and clear and colored gemstones to the mix to encourage counting and sorting by attributes.

Translucent blocks and Magnatiles inspire the children to create 3-D structures and see the interplay of light, color and reflection in three dimensions.

I keep baskets of loose parts near the light table so that the children can use them for unstructured, self-guided play.

I also stock up on non-traditional items such as cocktail stirrers, colorful shot glasses and reusable plastic ice cubes at the dollar store. While these objects may look more like happy-hour supplies than learning tools, they represent a treasure trove of loose parts to children. Sea glass is also a great idea. In short, if it’s translucent, add it to your light-table area!

I rarely tell children how or where to play with toys. Occasionally, children will bring wooden blocks or other non-transparent toys over to the light table area. Out of respect for their creative process, I’ll allow it—unless, of course, the objects are heavy enough to damage the light table. These non-translucent objects are an important part of the children’s investigations. All objects look different when lit from above and below, and when viewed from different angles. This open-ended approach to play gives the children more latitude to create and investigate with color and light.

A few of my students are developmentally ready to start learning the alphabet. Some recognize letters, while others just perceive the letters as shapes. I make sure that the letters are accessible to my early learners at all stages of brain development and leave it to the children to make up their own rules for letter play.

Sometimes we add a play silk to the light table, which changes the children’s perspective and introduces new ways to play with light, color and reflection.

The light table supports our students as they make observations, think scientifically and collaborate with their friends while investigating new ideas and theories.

I love this learning tool because it’s always developmentally appropriate. The children build on their own knowledge and share their observations with others.

When children make their own observations and discoveries, they are forming and testing hypotheses. These moments of learning empower them to continue their exploration and investigation outside of the classroom.

This self-guided exploration paves the way for inquiry-based learning. So turn on that light table, trigger some curiosity and watch the magic of play and discovery brighten up your day!

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Rainbows, Sunshine and Superheroes Wed, 03 Nov 2021 15:09:19 +0000  

“Evie, come look! I’m a superhero! I have superpowers!” calls Jamie from the foyer.

Curiosity piqued, Evie leaves her blocks behind to see what her best friend is up to now.

Rainbows!!!” Evie shrieks as she spies the colorful light pattern on Jamie’s wrist.

Everyone within earshot dashes over to see the rainbows. And, just like that, our morning activities morph into a joyous exploration of light and color.

Squeals are the soundtrack for this sudden spasm of joy as the children dance around the room “catching” rainbows.

The rainbows that have inspired this impromptu STEM investigation are coming from the leaded-glass windows on our old schoolhouse.

During the winter and early spring, the sun hits these windows at just the right angle and we find these refracted-light rainbows on our walls, the floor—and even on the faces of napping children.

“I know the colors of the rainbow!” Noah sings. “R is for Red, O is for Orange, Y is for Yellow…” 

A chorus of little voices joins in, along with requests for our favorite “ROY G. BIV” song from the children’s CD, Here Comes Science (see image below).

The song is used as a mnemonic aid to help children remember the colors of the visible light spectrum in order of increasing frequency: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet.

Color recognition marks an important developmental milestone.

Color identification helps children strengthen the cognitive link between visual clues and words.

Noah is singing the ROY G. BIV song while pointing to each color. As I watch, I make a mental note to check off color recognition, vocabulary and sequential ordering on Noah’s upcoming learning assessment.

I attempt to explain that the rainbows in our classroom are created when the sunlight gets “split up” as it passes through a cut-glass window that bends the light.

“Red tends to bend the least, so it appears on the top of the rainbow, while violet bends the most and ends up on the bottom,” I state.

My jabbering is met with silence. The children are deep into their own investigations.

“The librarian told us that rainbows are actually circles, but they look like arches when we look at them from the ground,” says Owen.

Heads pop up. Owen’s comment is met with quizzical expressions as the children try to process this information.

“If we dig down into the ground would we see the rest of the rainbow?” Roberto asks. 

“I don’t know,” shrugs Owen, glancing around at the rainbows in the room.

“What’s an arch?” asks Thali.

“You know, that part of the circle that looks like this,” says Jamie as he creates a half-circle with his hands. “It’s like you cut a circle in half!”

Thali nods and the focus of the group returns to the rainbows in the room.

This interaction prompts us to bring out our prisms and inject a bit of STEM into our hands-on play. Throughout the day, we experiment with other materials and sources of light.

First, we add Magnatiles to the windows in our block area (above).

Then we grab our liquid tiles (below) and place them in the window frame. We love these tiles and play with them often, but this is the first time we’ve tried to place them in the window. The colorful liquid in the tile is reacting to the pressure of Sally’s fingers, stimulating her sensory, perceptual and spatial pathways.

I offer a large liquid floor tile to our younger learners. Some of the older children immediately join in the exploration, adding enough weight and pressure to move the liquid and stimulate the senses of our younger friends.

If you don’t have cut-glass windows, a simple window film can bring about the same results. We added this film to the window below, and we are greeted with rainbows whenever the sun shines!

When these spontaneous moments of learning land in our classroom, my goal is not for the children to completely comprehend or master a topic.

My goal is to learn with them, to pique their curiosity with investigative opportunities and to allow them to engage in scientific inquiry while playing with light.

The act of playing with light, reflection and color invariably evokes a sense of wonder.

So seize the moment for some impromptu STEM play when a rainbow spontaneously appears—and expand the options for color and light exploration with a few new prisms and props!

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Full STEAM Ahead with Geoboards! Fri, 01 Oct 2021 13:00:04 +0000 “Look what I made!” shouts Parker.

Our moment of silent concentration and focus is interrupted by Parker ecstatically showing off her geoboard.

“You made a house?” asks Linnea, looking a little wide-eyed and confused. “How did you do that?”

“I just added shapes and it worked!” Parker answers, equally amazed by her own creation.

“I want to try that!” shouts Rowen.

“Me too!” echoes a chorus of four-year-old voices. “Show us how you did that!”

Geometry has entered our world today—and what better way to learn about early math and science concepts than through play?

I have come to believe that geoboards are one of the ultimate learning tools for peer mentoring. I watch as the four-year-olds follow Parker’s example and create their own versions of her rubber-band house.

I am a huge fan of these little powerhouses known as geoboards. Hands-on activities with these simple learning tools get children’s brain synapses firing like crazy and stimulate the development of new neural connections.

The boards, with their colorful rubber bands and infinite possibilities, also make math and engineering fun!

Our geoboard play tends to occur in cycles. Today, the geoboards have resurfaced after long hiatus.

Because the children haven’t used the geoboards in a while, I notice how much their brains have developed since the last time the boards were in play. Seeing these leaps of brain development is one of the great joys of teaching.

Geoboards are always developmentally appropriate in the hands of the creator. Some children simply work on stretching the rubber bands onto the nails. My “artsy” early learners—who are happy designing anything and everything—can play with these boards for hours. And there’s a child in every class who insists on attaching every single rubber band in the bag to the geoboard, persisting long after the other children have moved on to new activities.

Geoboards enable even young children—and those who may have difficulty drawing shapes—to construct and investigate the properties of early geometry without a pencil in their hands.

I see geoboards as a chance to level the playing field for those who struggle with grasp, fine-motor or visual-motor skills.

Children begin to notice shapes before they have the language to name those shapes. Geoboard play acquaints children with simple shapes—as well as more advanced concepts such as symmetry, angles and fractions—as they engage in activities such as measuring, counting or investigating 2D shapes like Parker’s rubber-band house.

Look at those little fingers and hands going to work! With just one geoboard and a bagful of rubber bands, children can create and learn about shapes while developing their hand muscles, fine-motor skills, spatial skills and math skills. This is why geoboards have been a part of our classroom curriculum for more than 30 years.

Children can use their rubber bands to create squares, rectangles, triangles and other “sided” shapes. They can also explore number concepts as they try to stretch a single rubber band around a certain number of pegs. They may try to stretch it around three or four pegs—or maybe even all of the pegs. This early math exploration evolves quite naturally as the children engage in geoboard play with their friends. 

When I introduce geoboards to new students, I leave the lesson plans and benchmark checklists for later and let the children simply play with their boards. I want them to engage in geoboard play at their own level of development.

It’s important to give the children ample time to engage in this process. It can’t be rushed. For my young learners who love to make shapes, letters and designs, a longer play period gives them time to get their creative juices flowing. As their brain development continues, you will see their shapes and designs become more intentional.

Young children develop ideas and concepts about science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics (STEAM) naturally. They think about size, shape, quantity, order and speed throughout the day as they play and explore. As teachers of young children, we need to tap into their natural curiosity with intentional STEAM learning opportunities such as geoboard play.

Intentionality is acting with knowledge and purpose. It is the opposite of chance because it is planned and thoughtful. In order to become intentional about math teaching, we need to think about math the way we think about literacy.

By making shapes on their geoboards, the children are actually developing important pre-reading and pre-writing skills too.

Here’s how it works: When Linnea sees a shape on the geoboard and names it, she is preparing herself to identify letters and numbers and then naming and eventually writing them.

Simply by placing a basket full of geoboards near a table, we can encourage children to experiment with shapes, sizes and direction through hands-on play.

We can call this math, science, engineering, art or literacy because it’s laying the groundwork for the STEAM disciplines, as well as language development.

But in our hearts—as early childhood educators—we simply call it play.

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STEM Play with Dominoes Wed, 15 Sep 2021 14:47:25 +0000  

“Hey, Evelyn!  Go get your cell phone and meet me at the stumps!” calls Noa.

My head whirls around as I check the classroom to see if a cell phone has actually made its way into school today. Then I see Evelyn running to the basket of dominoes to get her “cell phone.”

Whew! Instant relief and a touch of humor added to my day.

Dominoes have been around for centuries. They’ve been used for all sorts of games around the globe. We have baskets of dominoes scattered around the classroom. We use them for everything from building and matching to chain reactions. I’m fairly sure that we’ve never played an actual game of dominoes with these versatile learning tools!

I love these little blocks. Whatever the game, dominoes are always a Developmentally Appropriate Play (DAP) item, regardless of the ages of the children playing with them.

This morning’s “cell phone” incident got me thinking about Developmentally Appropriate Practice.

We need to trust that the teachers who work with young children on a daily basis know what’s appropriate for these children and understand how they use their materials.

Dominoes may not be designed for toddlers and preschoolers—and may even be considered to be Developmentally Inappropriate if used as intended.

Yet, by adding dominoes to our play areas and using them as manipulatives and loose parts, we can expose our early learners to a wealth of STEM learning opportunities such as building, counting, matching and even dramatic play.

Whether we’re building with our dominoes or standing each domino on end to create a chain reaction, we are laying the foundation for strong math and science skills.

This is when parents and administrators may misconstrue active learning for mere play.

When this happens, it’s our responsibility to help parents and administrators “see” the learning that is taking place. Show them how their children are developing spatial skills and an understanding of concepts such as “location” and “ordinal position.”

“Wow, Michela, your tower is getting really big!” Jameson stops to watch as Michela carefully adds another block to her structure.

Jameson has been struggling to build a tower that rivals Michela’s in height. “My tower is too wobbly,” he moans. “It keeps falling down. It’s impossible!” He stomps his foot in frustration and crosses his arms over his chest.

“You need to go very slow, like this,” responds Michela without taking her eyes off of her tower.

Michela is demonstrating the practice of science and engineering. We have geometry unfolding before our eyes as Michela uses symmetry, visualization, spatial reasoning and geometric modeling to solve problems such as balance and continuity.

By observing and asking questions, sharing ideas and solving problems, the children are working as a team to build a greater understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

This is a form of early data collection. If you are studying force and motion, a domino chain reaction is a great activity to demonstrate potential and kinetic energy.

I watch as four-year-old Thompson counts the pips (dots) on his dominoes and begins exploring concepts such as quantities and attributes.

Across the table, two-year-old Joseph is learning rote counting skills and gaining a rudimentary sense of one-to-one correspondence. By playing with the dominoes, he is also seeing the grouped pips (dots) in number formations that he will continue to see throughout his life.

I watch as an older friend mentors Joseph. In no time, Joseph is matching attributes—sometimes by pattern and sometimes by color. This is math!

We are exploring concepts such as “matching,” “same and different” and “up and down.” We are counting and beginning to understand numbers and number names. We are comparing quantities, subitizing and measuring objects and quantities. We are identifying common attributes, patterns and object relationships.

We are engaged in deep, hands-on, child-led play—without worksheets, themes or circle times. This is developmentally appropriate learning!

By providing more opportunities for children to explore, discover and investigate through active play, we are meeting one of the most important goals of early childhood education.

Invest in a variety of materials to meet the needs of children with different learning styles. It’s worth the cost. Think of it as an investment that will pay off in the future success of your early learners.

So grab those dominoes off of the shelf, place them in a basket and let the STEM learning begin!


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Ramps, Inclines and STEM in the Great Outdoors Tue, 15 Jun 2021 09:51:24 +0000   “Hey, Hudson! How did you do that?” Eleanor is amazed at Hudson’s success as he races a car down the ramp. This is the same car that she couldn’t get to stay on the ramp just minutes earlier. I listen as Hudson turns the car over and explains, “See those wheels? The front ones […]]]>


“Hey, Hudson! How did you do that?”

Eleanor is amazed at Hudson’s success as he races a car down the ramp. This is the same car that she couldn’t get to stay on the ramp just minutes earlier.

I listen as Hudson turns the car over and explains, “See those wheels? The front ones were bent. I had to take my finger and straighten that part that connects them. That is why it was going crooked.”

Eleanor is completely engaged in the moment as Hudson instructs her on the physics of motion.

We have a group of kids at our center who have grown up together, developed great friendships and built a strong early math and science foundation. Science skills enrich children’s math skills and concepts through hands-on experiences. Math is used to construct and understand data that is collected through observation. You can do math without science, but you can’t do science without doing math.

In the past few weeks, I have been reminiscing about how this group’s understanding of concepts has grown right along with their physical development. We are currently ramp and incline crazy, an activity that has piqued the children’s interest in cycles over the past few years.

Recently, inclines have dominated our play once again, and we have been doing a lot of investigative activities with ramps of all types and sizes. Experiments with force, speed and motion foster the development of scientific-inquiry skills and offer endless math opportunities, as well as great fun!

When our young friends play with inclines, they often try out new ideas and techniques. I love to listen to their theories as they engage in this rudimentary scientific exploration while mentoring and encouraging one another. Their knowledge continues to grow as they experiment and observe the outcomes. This is data collection!

Once again, we are meeting those early learning standards through long periods of uninterrupted play. Not all of their ideas will work. When they don’t, this leads to deeper communication and collaboration as the children use what they’ve learned to modify their techniques.

I watch as they observe each other’s successes and failures and try to improve on their ideas and methods to achieve their goals.

excited jame

Simply placing the basket of beanbags at the top of the slide is all that it takes to encourage collaboration, cooperation and a lot of giggles. Activities such as these prompt children to explore their environment and use what they learn to design new experiments and test out new ideas as they make sense of the world around them.

By offering opportunities such as these, we are laying the foundation for the mathematical concepts and skills that they will need to perform later scientific investigations.

Ramps and Inclines provide a treasure trove of opportunities to meet your math, geometry, measurement and number standards. I love to watch the children at my center as they make predictions and then test out their theories. Sometimes with success, sometimes not so much. By reflecting on their experiences, the children are constructing their own understanding and knowledge of how the world works. Counting, classifying, measuring and comparing are some of the processes that can take place when we allow long periods of uninterrupted time for exploration and discovery.

Our play experience with ramps and inclines is a perfect example of STEM learning. The physics involved in creating stable structures and moving objects in various ways will enable us to meet our science standards for the day. Engineering happens when the children design their structures or change the way they move their objects. When they draw conclusions about how objects move through space, make predictions and collect data, we have wrapped up our STEM lessons in one pretty little package of play!

These learning experiences offer an abundance of opportunities for children to learn important math, science and engineering practices; ask questions; and arrive at conclusions. Through their observations, they may be able to identify the problem and carry out new investigations—collaborating and problem-solving with their friends as they construct a new understanding of the matter at hand. When we enable children to manipulate their surroundings, experiment and interact with materials, we create rich learning environments.

Best of all, this activity is developmentally inclusive. All ages can engage in incline play. It took less than a day for our youngest learner to figure out that the object he drops from the top of the incline will slide to the bottom. This activity keeps his attention for long periods of time and his enjoyment never ceases as he conducts his incline experiments again and again.

The joy of watching young children join in the math and science play never gets old. So grab a ramp and a few young friends and start your own math and science club!

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