A lot of classrooms use the idea of stores in the dramatic play area because it is such a great way to build literacy and math skills and all kids have been to a type of store whether it is a grocery store, pharmacy or toy store. Children can make lists of foods, think about prices, begin to learn the importance and the types of money used to buy materials. Some children can even graduate to doing simple math problems using money. And all children enjoy collecting money and using a cash register, which is basically a calculator. Reinforcing these math concepts at home can only strengthen children’s understanding of math, since parents are the child’s first teachers!
Here are some quick and easy tips for how to turn grocery shopping into a fun game.
4. Print out a shopping checklist and attach it to a clipboard. Let your youngest child mark off each item as you find it. Throughout the trip, bring their attention back to how many items you have found and how many items you have left.
5. If it is a store you frequent often, draw a map of the store and give to your child. Give them directional cues, like, “turn left at the produce aisle.” Or have them fill in the map using developmental spelling or drawing pictures.
6. Give your child $5 and ask them to pick out snacks. They might need some help adding up totals and limiting themselves to only spending $5, but this is simple addition and subtraction problems without using a worksheet and disguised as fun! My classroom walked to our local Walgreens and they each had to find an item that cost less than a dollar. For some, it was a rude awakening that they couldn’t buy the biggest or best item in the store, but in the end everyone walked away with a small treat!