spaitial reasoning – Early Math Counts Laying the foundation for a lifetime of achievement Tue, 11 Jul 2017 15:47:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 183791774 Geometry III Tue, 28 Jun 2016 11:00:31 +0000 In addition to thinking about spatial reasoning, we also want children to learn basic spatial terms.  This is also true of mathematical terms in general, but the use of spatial terms throughout the day can help reinforce concepts of spatial reasoning without expressly doing so.

Throughout the day you probably do this without even thinking about it.  You say things like, “Put you coat inside your cubbie.” (Inside is a spatial reasoning term.) Or you might say, “The tissues are on top of the shelf.” (On top of is another spatial reasoning term.)  The reason that this is important is that we don’t want to say general things like “The tissues are there,” as the general nature of the statement doesn’t expressly support the learning of the these important terms.

I like playing “Hotter, Colder” with children.  You know the game.  It is when you have a child or children try to find something hidden in the room either in plain site or hidden away and you give them clues by saying, “Hotter” when they get closer and “Colder” when they get further away. Instead of using the words hotter and colder, you could use closer and farther, or nearer and farther.  This is will be one more way to incorporate spatial terms into your everyday activities.

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