Counting the Petals
Using flowers as the foundation for creative art activities this month is a no-brainer. Just off the top of my head, I can think of a dozen or so ways to incorporate flowers into the art center. What do you think of these windows?Have the children cover their hands with tempera paint and let them make hand prints on the windows. You can add the grass and the stems or they can. Either way, this window screams, “Spring.” (I stole this one from It’s Not all Mary Poppins– a blog written by a Home Care Provider.)
There are also great ways to incorporate mathematical concepts into the projects. Take a look at this one.
Here, the teacher provides the petals, stems, and flower centers. The numbers are already written on the centers, so the children simply have to put as many leaves on their flowers as required. This is a good one for younger children. You can challenge the older children by creating simple addition problems with the flowers. Give an older child 2 flower centers (a 2 and a 3), have them complete their flowers and then have them calculate how many petals both flowers have all together. Once they figure that out, they can create another flower with the total number of petals.