Inch by Inch
We brought out the tape measurers this week. Ah, nothing like a tool in the hand of young friends to get the juices flowing and the neurons firing up! Playful math! Math that is done for no other purpose than the sheer joy and fun it brings. I don’t worry that they don’t understand the concept of inches or feet or even if they recognize numbers, or have numbers actually facing them!
This tape measure was easy for the children to use. It was small and fit in the palm of their hands. It could be pulled out without snapping back unless the children pushed in on a button on the side and then slid back slowly rather than snapping back quickly. We have a few different types of tape measurers in our toolbox, and they love them all. Children love exploring with tools. The exploration, cooperation and investigation on this morning was an educator’s dream!
As the children measure every object in sight, I find opportunities to introduce new understanding and vocabulary. I often refer to this as throwing seeds in the wind. Some may land, and sprout. Some may fly in one ear and out the other. I throw them anyway. I observe their play and wait to see when they may be ready for added information to extend their level of play to a higher understanding.
We talk about the word inch. We count the numbers on the tape. Vocabulary words are flying through the air as they play. Words such as longer, shorter, taller, smaller, bigger, and wider. I see cooperation and experimentation between friends.

Math is always an interesting field, new and fresh ideas are always welcome. Thanks for sharing these methods.
Yes I definitely agree, math will always be used.
wehave measuing tapes at our school the childern love them
we used a tape measure in our kitchen center during constuction week and the children loved it
Great ideas and what fun for young learning. Thanks
Yes William I agree, great information and ideas.
Measurement is so much fun and learning to measure and tools to do so widely vary and an excellent indoor or outdoor activity while learning math concepts.
I like the tape measure blog. The children enjoy having HANDS ON activities
Very cool about the tape measure blog. The kids looked like they were having fun & learning.
!Really helpfull and fun ideas. Thank you for sharing.
I love this type of activity! Especially if they have seen someone do it before, they get to jump right in and try it for themselves! Learning practical skills without needing to know all the things that go into it.
I love the idea of children having a real measuring tape. it is a very helpful idea for children to learn.
I love the idea of children having a real measuring tape to measure different objects,
loved this idea. I have a group of four and five year olds and I would take clipboards with the to “record” their data later we could compare it ,too
I like this idea. I also like the idea of the different tape measure sizes and looks. The children looked very interested in the different types of objects they were measuring.
Thank you for sharing, the kids seemed engaged.
I love the idea about bringing the tape measure outside!
yes more thing outside to measure
I love children learning outside and using hands on tools of measurement to measure objects/items outside. Using differnt tape measures and letting the children use measurement vocabulary when measuring. Encouraging them to use smaller, larger, taller, shorter. I love the pictures and seeing them thinking and discoverying on their own and with their friends.Cute idea.
Great activity, very hands on, children can all be involved.
Very hands on, can be used everywhere.
I love hands on activities. The children might not be able to read inches or feet but they do recognize visually that objects are different in sizes and lengths.
I will be purchasing some tape measures to add to our math supplies. We have many things to use to measure but I believe this would get their attention and keep it. I can already see the children outside measuring many different things. They also have to work together which is an added bonus.
Enjoyed this measuring blog it gave a great heads on activity that the children can do inside or outside. Thanks for sharing.
wow this is really an interesting task foe children. Measuring with tape in their own way is great activity to consider.
Love the use of the real tape measures! A great hands on activity, children love using tools that adults use.
It is very important to teach children the concept of how to use the measuring tools correctly. That way not only do they become proficient in this specific math concept, but they learn to handle the tools properly so every child can use them.
This is such a great hands on activity. The children seem naturally intrigued by what their’er doing and having fun. I like how this activity really brings out math vocabulary. I will definitely begin to use tape measures from now on.
This is a genius idea and I would love to implement this into my classroom. Watching and helping the children measure and estimate is a great way to use more numbers in the classroom. The great thing about this project is that it can be done with most ages, not just the older classrooms. Since math is always relevant, tape measures aren’t linked to just a specific theme. We could use them for year round learning.
This a great activity while we all teaching at home.
Ilike that the children were very hands on with this lesson. The various tape measures are a wonderful idea.
The children seem so engaged! I wonder how much work they had done prior to this with comparing and using non-standard tools.
Hi Lydia, actually this was part of the investigation. We compare constantly! Who has more, who has less, that’s not fair, mine is bigger, yours is smaller, etc! Ha! This group is at such different levels, developmentally, but the tape measurers were a way to let them explore, mentor and connect their own dots at their own developmental level. The four year olds, definitely were connecting the dots in a different way than the two year olds. It was a fun way to introduce another form of learning math!
I like the idea that allowing children to measure anything and everything provides the teacher the opportunity to expand the child’s vocabulary about everyday objects.
Children do love to measure–and they love tools! We’ve measured things in the classroom with a tape measure–we’ve also used Legos and snap cubes to measure each other! Never thought of taking our measuring activities outside–great idea.
What a great activity!
Muy buenas ideas para trabajar la geometria en los ninos pequenos
Hands on method is one of my preference.
Measuring tapes are great tools to use with young children. It provides hands-on explorations to explore the world of measuring for future experiences.
As a child I was uninterested in math. I became an adult uninterested in math. I became a teacher eager to teach math because a teacher showed me how math could be fun and an exciting part of my everyday world. I now teach preschoolers how they can use math in their everyday world. Continue to strive for the sake of uninterested children to become interested in a subject that many find boring, hard or just plain old useless! Together we can show them the fun,interesting and useful side of math.
This is a great activity to do with your children. By using real tools like the measuring tape to measure the trees, branches, and other objects from nature or around them is a great way to learn, have fun, and enjoy the outdoors.
I really like the idea of taking the kids out and letting them pick and choose what nature objects they want to measure. This is something I want to try with my daughter as well.
I find this activity supports children’s curiosity and motivation for learning outdoors. Using the measuring tools also enhances their critical thinking and problem solving abilities as well.
Seeing this gets me excited about teaching math and brings back some of my own childhood memories of playing with tape measures
I like the idea of children being able to be outside and realize numbers can be used with nature as well, not just in the classroom.
This is an amazing way to allow children to really investigate measuring and working together. l
Love to try this but not with the measuring tapes maybe with string or something to see if they get it
I liked that this concept was explored outside. I usually would do this in the classroom, so later in the year when the students are ready for something new to do, this would be fun!
What a fun activity, perfect for any time of year! I wish I had more kid-safe tape measures for my daycare because I’m sure that my three-year-olds would eat this activity up.