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The Human Calculator

by Early Math Counts

I received this email the other day from a Early Math Counts reader and I wanted to share it with you.

Hey! Hello there.. I’m Kristy! I’m a volunteer mentor for a local kids and youth program. I volunteer my time to kids/teens to help build character, reach goals, and further education.

Anyway, I hope you don’t mind me reaching out to you and letting you know that the kids that I mentor wanted to tell you that your page,, is fantastic! You have great math resources for kids. We actually ended up book-marking some! 🙂

I wanted to get the kids more active and animated. So, for a fun assignment, I had them search for some more related resources for a project. They discovered this page: They wanted to let you know too that they think it’d be a wonderful link for those who visit your page!

If you like their suggestion and think that you could add it to your page, let me know! 🙂

((I told them that if their resource was added, and for their efforts, I’d take them all out to lunch! :))) Kristy


What do you think of the Human Calculator website?  Should we add it to our list of resources so Kristy’s kids can go out for lunch?

3 Replies to “The Human Calculator”

  1. Yes . I love the article the kids found and think it would be a great addition to the website, Yay Kristy\’s kids!!! Have a great lunch.

    1. That is one vote for Kristy….I will keep checking back but I think one is enough for the kids to get their lunch!

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