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A Lemonade Stand

by Early Math Counts

lemonade_standI was looking through a bunch of old photographs the other day when I happened upon a shot of Noah running his own lemonade stand.  I remember that day so clearly.  It was really hot outside and the boys wanted something to do.  Noah found a large piece of old cardboard and wrote “Lemonade 25 Cents”.

This got me thinking about how activities like this can support children’s ideas about money and how much things cost.  You can set up your own lemonade stand with the kids, break out the cash registers, use real or pretend money and let the commerce begin.

If you are in a neighborhood that has a little foot traffic, you might be able to set up the stand in front of your program.  If that is not a choice, set it up in the front room of your program and allow the children to be the buyers and the sellers.  You can keep it running until the end of the day and then sell to the parents as they arrive to take their children home.

One Reply to “A Lemonade Stand”

  1. I think this activity is great! I already love the whole lemonade stand idea so now having children use cardboard and art supplies to create their lemonade billboard and then other materials will be using money so children can count and pay for the lemonade.

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