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A Nice Story

by Early Math Counts

Last week, I was fortunate to speak at an Opening Minds event for Infant and Toddler providers.  It took place at University Center downtown on State Street.  When I arrived, I was so pleased to see a few familiar faces and many, many new ones.

The goal of my presentation was to introduce more people to the Early Math Counts website and to show them how to navigate around it.  As I was showing the site to the audience, I clicked on the “Increase Your Knowledge” tab, and explained that this area of the site was designed to support adult understandings of math concepts.

One of the audience members raised her hand and said that the previous week she was helping her son with his homework when she came upon a concept that she didn’t remember.  Naturally, she googled the topic and one of the videos from the Increase Your Knowledge page popped up.  She watched the video, re familiarized herself with the concept, and was then able to help her son.

I love that story.

3 Replies to “A Nice Story”

    1. So happy you keep reading over the summer, Philodave! I love when I hear great things about our site, work and the blog. I feel so lucky to have this opportunity.

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