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Abundant Life Redux

by Early Math Counts

Ooops!  I posted this last Wednesday but I neglected to link it to The Abundant Life Children Blog.  So, here it is again.  My apologies to Emily.

I first introduced you to Emily Plank and her Abundant Life Children Blog several weeks ago when I reposted her “Ten Commandments of Play-Based Learning”.  I was so excited when I originally saw this, that I wished it was a poster, so I could buy it and hang it on the wall outside of my office.

The Top 10 Things I Love About this Blog.

1.  It is thoughtful.

2.  Emily gets it.

3.  It is written for Home-Based Child Care providers, but applies to all people who work with young children.

4.  Often, there are great photographs that illustrate the work Emily is doing with children.

5.  She doesn’t shy away from “Hot Topics” that may be controversial.

6.  Emily respects the world of children.

7.  It is written in a smart and engaging way that recognizes our work as an important and academic pursuit.

8.  There is often an interesting discussion that follows her posts.  She clearly has avid readers who are engaged in the conversation.

9.  Emily has a broad background in education that she brings into her writing.

10.  She makes cool lists.

Check it out!




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