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Blank Books

by Early Math Counts

Book making is one of those activities that some children will choose right from the get-go and others will warm to over time.  There are many ways you can make your own book templates (pop-ups are a favorite and this site will teach you how to make 3 different kinds) which are perfectly fine for the young authors in your program.

You can also buy pre made blank books that will provide a different kind of experience for children.  There are several kinds available for purchase (if you shop around you can find some inexpensive types).  The ones below are perfectly fine – however, filling a book this big is a HUGE challenge for young children, so I wouldn’t expect it.  If you wanted to make a NUMBER book that children can work on over time, label each page with numbers and then allow children to work on them when they want until they are finished.

Blank Books



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