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Call Today

by Early Math Counts

I received this note this morning from the Children’s Defense Fund…
Please read and forward.
We urgently need you to make a call for children today. Decisions made during the lame duck session of Congress will have an effect on children and our nation for decades to come. With 1 in 5 children living in poverty, and critical investments for children being threatened, we need to make an emergency call for childrenTODAY.
Join in a national call-in day and tell your members of Congress, “Be Careful What You Cut”!
Step 1: Dial the Capitol Switchboard at (877) 233-9025 and ask to speak to your senators. Then do the same for your representative in the House. Find out who represents you by clicking here.
Step 2: Deliver the following message to the staffer who answers the phone:
Hello, my name is [your name] and I am a constituent living in [your home town]. I want to tell my senator/representative to Be Careful What You Cut. We need to invest in children today to prepare them to be the drivers of America’s economy tomorrow.
In the ongoing budget discussions, it’s important our leaders protect children and the poor from all budget cuts. Cutting children from the budget now costs all of us later. It’s past time for the most advantaged Americans and corporations to begin paying their fair share. I’m counting on the senator/representative to be a voice for children in Congress. Thank you.
You stood in line for hours to vote. Can’t you spend 2 minutes to be a voice for America’s children? Dial (877) 233-9025 and tell Congress, “Be Careful What You Cut“!
Thank you for raising your voice for children at this critical hour.
– Children’s Defense Fund
PS. Forward this email to a friend and help spread the word 

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