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Carlito C. Caterpillar’s Math House Games – How to Order

by Early Math Counts

Last week, I introduced you to the Math House Game Cards.  This week I thought I would get you all of the information for ordering the cards for your own program or home.

This comes directly from Bill Haljun, Co-Founder and Director of Creative Development.

Our MathHouse game cards are available from several different general market distributors.  The most available of course is our website: . Consumers can go to our website and order a set of game cards @ $23.95 directly, and receive them, postage paid, and tax free (for residents of Illinois, we pay the tax!).


For those who prefer to order through Amazon, our game cards are available at list price of $23.95 but there are also some distributors through Amazon who will sell them for less.  Here is the Amazon link.


We are also available through Christian Liberty Press, a supplier to families who home school.  They also sell at list price.  Click here for that link.

Currently we are most excited about our “Risk-Free Distributor Program” which is designed to help organizations as well as individuals fund raise for their group or earn extra income by selling Carlito C. Caterpillar’s MathHouse game cards to their friends and neighbors.  I am attaching a Word document which explains the program.  Essentially, we charge an individual or organization’s credit card $1 and then mail them, postage paid, 10 or 20 sets of our game cards.  We suggest they sell these totheir friends for $18 – $20, saving them a little money.  Each month on the 15th and 30th we will call and ask how many sets have been sold for that period and charge their credit card @ $8/set sold.  When they have sold the entire quantity if they wish, we will ship an additional quantity under the same terms or they can return the unsold sets to us, and we will credit their credit card for the postage.

Our goal is to help organizations and individuals help themselves while spreading the news of our Sensory Math Teaching System.


I hope you love this product as much as we do here at Early Math Counts.  Enjoy!

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