Chicago Metro AEYC Conference
This past weekend, I had the pleasure of attending and presenting at the Chicago Metro AEYC Opening Minds Conference. My colleagues Cathy Main and Kathleen Sheridan and I presented the Early Math Counts project three days in a row. We met several great child care providers, directors, and teachers and hopefully got to spread the word about the great work the Early Math Counts team is doing.
YES, I was there a FAMILY CHILD CARE PROVIDER and I have apread the word to over fifty providers via email to tell of the good works you ladies are doing for US. THANK YOU
Verinda Magee Dawson
That is so wonderful and it was great to meet you. Every FCC who we have met through this project has been an amazing and dedicated practitioner. It has been an honor getting to know everyone. It is also so nice to hear that you like and appreciate the work we are doing. Keep reading.
Thanks Verinda for getting the word out about Please send us pictures of your learning environments! Send them to
pictures sent…..