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Cookie Counters

by Early Math Counts

We recently received a huge order of materials for our Child Development lab at the college and this little item was in amongst the boxes.  When I saw it in real life, I was so excited that it was as cool as I thought it would be.  My kids, especially my younger son Louie, would have LOVED this when he was little.  He was obsessed with miniature foods and we had the complete miniature kitchen in the basement, where he played for hours and hours and hours.

Many of the uses for this manipulative are immediately obvious (counting, sorting, matching) but I wonder about some “not-so-obvious” ways they could be used in a home or center.  If you have 10 children or less, you could use them as a way help make decisions about turn-taking.  The teacher can put in the number of cookies that correspond to the number of children and then each child can pull out a cookie, one-by-one to decide who goes first, etc.  This could be used for hand washing, getting in line, or show-and share.

Any other great ideas for the Cookie Counters?

6 Replies to “Cookie Counters”

      1. I had the children close their eyes and pick a cookie in the jar and try to guess what number they got, and if right put on the side if wrong put back in the jar and do again, also the children also count how many chips are on the cookie to learn and recognize the number along with the colors.

        1. Guessing games are usually really successful with young children as the anticipation builds as each child pulls the cookie out. When they count the chips on one side, be sure to reinforce the activity by then flipping the cookie over to make sure the chips match the numeral.

  1. I love the \”turn sharing\” idea with the cookies. We were working with them yesterday, and one of the 4 year olds threw a fit because he wanted his turn. I only have 3 to work with, but they love the cookie jar. I read the cookie story first as suggested, too.

    1. I am so glad the children are enjoying them. I can see that the cookie jar could create some frustration in children waiting for their turns. Try to use it in ways that all three children get to pull one out during the same activity so they can be reassured that they will get a turn.
      Have you tried playing \”Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar\”?

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