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Cool Poster For Parents

by Early Math Counts

Parent Math PosterSomeone posted this the other day on my Facebook page and I couldn’t wait to share it.                                       Some of these ideas are clearly for older children, but the intent is awesome.  The only thing I would change is that the title would be “Ways a Grown-Up Can Help With Math” since not all children live with parents and remembering to be as inclusive as possible should always be the goal.

5 Replies to “Cool Poster For Parents”

  1. When I worked for a Head Start program, we would send activities home for parent/guardian(s) to work on with their chid(ren). That poster has a lot of great ideas which can easily be tweaked to fit personal needs or adjusted for a child\’s age.

    1. I like the idea of having things like this in the common spaces of a program. Parents can check them out when they have a moment and maybe they will spark an idea or two.

  2. I agree with Jen, this poster is not only cool but very useful. It incorporates all the basic concepts of early math for young children, and suggests ways to put them in practice.

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