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Count and Link

by Early Math Counts

Count and LinkThis Count and Link manipulative is a fun way for children to work on their counting skills while also providing a visual cue for quantity and comparisons.  The links snap onto the trunks of the elephants and the children then add more links until they match the number of links that have put together to the number on the elephants blanket.

This is one of those math  manipulatives that looks pretty straightforward at first, but on second glance, you can see how it can be much more complex as the children develop.

Put two elephants together and have the children add up how many links there are all together for some simple addition.  Turn the trunks to face one another an attach the links from both to create a visual idea of “all together.”

Sort the links by color and have the children only put the colored links on the elephants that match.

Ask the children to create a pattern while attaching the links.

Use the links as a developmental tool to support fine motor skills.



3 Replies to “Count and Link”

  1. I use the elephants in my Childcare several ways, I use it for counting, identify colors , identify the number than I have the children put that same number of links. One more step I use is for adding for example if a child put 5links on In would ask that child ho many ou think it would be if you added 2 more links 5+2=7

    1. These are great examples of how something that looks so simple, can really be very complex. Thanks for the great ideas.

  2. These are a great variety of ideas for ways to use counting elephants. These materials can be used for simple activities such as counting and showing addition to more complex activities such as pattern making.

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