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Did You Know – Infant Lessons

by Early Math Counts

Did you know that the Early Math Counts site has dozens of math lessons specifically written for infants?  It does.  Infants experience mathematical concepts through their daily interactions and schedules.  Infant teachers know that the consistency of care they provide for their babies creates the foundation for building trust.  It also develops a strong foundation for early math learning.

This excerpt comes from one of the Infant math lessons called “Diaper Time: On/Off”.

Young infants understand OFF and ON though routines.  The daily routine of diapering is a great time to practice OFF and ON.  Before you pick the infant up to place her on the changing table, say or sing “(Child’s name) time for a fresh diaper” hold your arms out toward the infant and touch her hands, encouraging the infant to reach for you.  As you place the infant on the changing table say “(child’s name) is ON the changing table.”  As you remove the diaper say, “diaper is OFF.”  As you fasten the diaper say “diaper is ON.”   Hold your arms out toward the infant and touch her hands, encouraging the infant to reach for you.  As you pick the infant up, say “(child’s name) is OFF” of the changing table.”

Check out the Infant math lessons here.

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