Dr. Martin Luther King – Important Numbers to Remember
Here are some numbers, in the form of dates, times, and statistics to think about as you honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s life and legacy this year.
Born – 1929
Age when he entered high school – 15
Age when he earned his PhD 25
Years married to Coretta Scott King – 16
Number of children – 4
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize – 1964
Dollar amount given to Dr. King for receiving the Nobel Peace Prize – $54, 123
Dollar amount donated by Dr. King to the Civil Rights Movement immediately afterwards $54, 123
Number of African Americans named Time’s “Man of the Year” before Dr. King – 0
The number of participants in the March on Washington – over 250,000
Days after Dr. King’s Assassination that Congressman John Conyers introduced the bill to commemorate his life with a national holiday – 4
Years it took for the U.S. Congress to pass the bill – 15
Years it took all 50 states to recognize the holiday – 31
Number of Americans who have a national holiday commemorating them – 3 (Can you name them?)
Number of signatures required to propel congress to pass the bill and create the federal holiday – 6 million
Dr. King’s actual birthday – January 15
The federally designated day we honor Dr. King – the 3rd Monday of January
Dr. King’s age at the time of his “I Have a Dream Speech” – 34
Number of words in the “I Have a Dream Speech” – 1579
Minutes it took to make the speech – 17
Number of times the word freedom appears in the speech – 20
Number of times the word dream appears in the speech – 11
Days of the Montgomery Bus Boycott- 385
Number of times Dr. King was arrested – 30
Enjoy your day today. Kiss your children. Celebrate the life of a man who impacted the world in such a remarkable way.