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Early Learning Standards – Old Vs. New A Side-by-Side Look

by Early Math Counts

A colleague of mine just sent me this document the Comparison of the IELS and the IELDS.  Here you can see the old Illinois Early Learning Standards side-by-side with the new Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards.

It is really interesting to look at how they’ve changed.  Can you imagine the conversations that were required to get this all down on paper?  I can’t.

3 Replies to “Early Learning Standards – Old Vs. New A Side-by-Side Look”

  1. I like the new revised draft of the new and old standards i will make a copy of this and look through to see what need to work on and what don\’t need to work on for my Accrediation or maybe QRS also to keep up with the progress.

  2. Next week I am meeting with other ECE folks in Bloomington – Normal for our annual Higher Ed Forum and spring meeting of the Illinois Association of Early Childhood Teach Educators. We will be discussing the proposed changes in the standards and how to implement them. I will keep you posted.

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