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Get Ready For Change in 2015

by Early Math Counts

Next week, we say goodbye to our dear old Governor Quinn and usher in a new Governor by the name of Rauner (in case you hadn’t heard).  I think things may get interesting in the State of Illinois. However, this new Governor has a reputation for caring deeply about young children and education, so I am hopeful and remain open-minded about the changes that are sure to come.

Many of you might also know that the new Governor’s wife is an early childhood professional and has been in the field for years and years.  This might tether him to our world in a way that nothing else can.

There is a lot of money coming into our state earmarked for early childhood education initiatives.  If you are not completely up to date on all of these exciting projects and advancements, check out the Illinois Early Learning Project website.  They publish a periodic newsletter that provides up-to-the-minute information about all sorts of early childhood goings on in the state, as well as tons of links to interesting resources, access to professional development and trainings, and videos.

Check it out.

Get ready for change in 2015.

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