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If You are Ever at a Loss for Words

by Early Math Counts

Take a look at this list of things you can say to children that are affirming, positive, and inspirational.

Take a break from…

“I love it”

“Great job”

“Good Work”

“I need you to…”

“I want you to…”


4 Replies to “If You are Ever at a Loss for Words”

  1. Thanks you for sharing the list of positive things to say. I currently use approximately 30 of those things now. I enjoy encouraging the children.

  2. I really agreed with this article. I think we should be a role modeling to provide great words for young children. The positive phrases and repetition will help children empower themselves and can handle certain difficulties in their future. Occasionally, when they are not be able to complete the tasks successfully, they needed parents inspiration the most, so they can carry parents voice out anywhere they want. They will remember when they are having good times with their families, or everyone their love. The receptions of positive words give child self esteem and self confidence is essential for young children. Even they try to work harder, but sometimes they still failed to control their emotions or their behavior. They forget to be kind and nice to each other when they are upset. The phrases I like, “Your are imperfect, so am I”

  3. I really agreed with this article. I think we should be a role modeling to provide great words for young children. The positive phrases and repetition will help children empower themselves and can handle certain difficulties in their future. Occasionally, when they are not be able to complete the tasks successfully, they needed parents inspiration the most, so they can carry parents voice out anywhere they want. They will remember when they are having good times with their families, or everyone their love. The receptions of positive words give child self esteem and self confidence is essential for young children. Even they try to work harder, but sometimes they still failed to control their emotions or their behavior. They forget to be kind and nice to each other when they are upset. The phrases I like, “Your are imperfect, so am I”

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