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Jigsaws on the Internet

by Early Math Counts

JigsawWhen I was little I loved to work on puzzles.  To this day, puzzles make me happy- I love word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, number puzzles, and any other puzzle you put in front of me.  Since we have been thinking about puzzles as a great math manipulative this month, I did a search of puzzles children can complete online.

I found this great jigsaw puzzle website that allows you to complete puzzles that are cut out like a traditional jigsaw.  You can choose how many pieces you want to have and then it is a simple click and drop to complete the puzzle.  The nice thing is that you can set it up so that the children simply have to move each piece into position, and then it erases the lines when they move them into the right position.



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