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Math Anxiety – 2 Cognitive Scientists Weigh in

by Early Math Counts

I’d like to claim that I read every newspaper, magazine, or journal that comes across my desk, but the truth is that I just don’t have the time.  I do however, clip our articles, store old magazines with turned down pages, and keep a working list of “stuff I need to read.”

Now that we are back at work, I uncovered the summer edition of the American Educator, a journal published by the American Federation of Teachers, which is a quarterly journal of educational research and ideas.  I usually flip through this journal finding some things interesting and pertinent to my work but oftentimes not.  The cover of this edition caught eye as it was definitely designed for those of us who focus on young children’s education so I knew I needed to explore it a little more closely than usual.

This article, Math Anxiety: Can Teachers Help Students Reduce It? definitely caught my eye being the Math blogger and all.  2 cognitive scientists, one from the University of Chicago and the other from the University of Virginia explore the roots of math anxiety and ideas to combat it.

Take a look and tell us what you think?

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