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Early Math Counts is 2 Years Old Today

by Early Math Counts

I am not sure if I should wish us a “Happy Birthday” or a “Happy Anniversary” but it surely is a Happy Day for all of us at Early Math Counts.

2 years ago today, we launched the Early Math Counts website and I began this blog.  Since that time, there have been tens of thousands of visitors to the site, teachers of young children from all over the country are using our materials, and we have received continuous support from the generous funders at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

In fact, the response has been so positive that we applied for a grant extension to continue our work.

Here are some of the things we will be doing over the next 2 years:

1.  I will continue blogging about math, young children, teaching, and learning.

2.  We will be translating parts of the site into Spanish.

3.  We will be developing learning modules from our work that providers will be able to access on-line and receive training credit.

We are very excited to be continuing our work here at Early Math Counts and we look forward to another fruitful and math-filled couple of years.

Happy, Happy, Happy.

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