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Molly Katzen and Recipes to Make With Children

by Early Math Counts


My favorite chef who also writes cookbooks for children is Molly Katzen.  She is known for her vegetarian cooking and her wonderful books about food and eating well.  I originally got to know her work because I was given one of her children’s cookbooks when Noah was born.  That book got a lot of use in our house.  The pages are now all stuck together, splattered with yucky, unidentifiable substances, and covered with the kids’ scribbles and drawings.  That book reminds me of what cooking with young children looks like – it is messy, wonderful fun.

Molly Katzen’s website has a page specifically dedicated to her children’s cookbooks.  If you scroll down, you can see what the recipes inside look like.  Each recipe is broken down into easy-to-interpret steps that can be understood by even the youngest children.

Take a look!

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