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More Apples Ideas

by Early Math Counts

As we continue our Apple Theme for the month of September- here are a few more ideas that might be fun to try.

Did you know that when you cut an apple in half, through the core, you will find the shape of a star in the middle?  That is only one interesting thing about cutting up apples.

Have the children try and predict how many seeds are inside an apple?  Write down their guesses on a large piece of paper and then use the cut apple (after discovering the star) to dig out the seeds and count them together.  (Seeds are a choking hazard, so be sure to keep the Under-3’s away from the seeds.)

Next, you can use the apples to make apple prints.  Be sure to cut them the long way this time, so the shape of the apple is apparent when pressing them down.

How about this song- Be sure to use the names of the children in your group.

Five red apples in a grocery store
Bobby bought one & then there were 4
Four red apples on an apple tree
Susie ate one & then there were 3
Three red apples. What did Alice do?
Why she ate one & then there were 2
Two red apples ripening in the sun
Tommy ate one, & now there was one
One red apple & now we are done
I ate the last one & now there are none!


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