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Relevancy – Baby Got Books

by Early Math Counts

A friend of ours forwarded me this picture over the weekend.  A friend of hers saw it and sent it along because she thought it was so great.

Baby Got Books

I, too, think it is great because it is relevant.  I don’t know how meaningful this old rap is to young children, and I don’t really know very much about Sir Mix-A-Lot, but I do know that at least a couple of generations (including mine) know this song.  When we hear it, we smile and remember how much happiness it brought us.  We remember singing it really loudly in the car, and dancing to it when it came on the radio.

It is relevant because I want to read through these new lyrics and put them to that familiar tune.  I am eager to turn a song that was not entirely appropriate for young children into a ditty that we can all sing together.

What do you think?  Would you sing this with your kids?  Do you think they would like it?

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