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The Common Core – Measurement & Data Pt. II

by Early Math Counts

Sorting and Classifying Boys and Girls

Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category.

  • CCSS.Math.Content.K.MD.B.3 Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.1
1 Limit category counts to be less than or equal to 10
This second part of the Measurement and Data Standard of the Core for kindergarten outlines a simple and straightforward expectation that children can “classify” and “sort” and then “count” and “sort” again.
Over the past several months this blog has discussed Sorting, Classifying, and Counting in a variety of ways.  If you use the search engine at the side of the page, you will find activities, ideas, and discussions about all three of these mathematical concepts.
Data collection is usually done when a question has been posed (How many children are wearing short sleeves and how many children are wearing long sleeves?) and then the information is classified using attributes (short and long sleeves), sorted into categories (in this case – 2 categories) and then counted.
The picture above is a great example of a teacher in a 3-year-old class classifying, sorting and counting the children in her class.  Take note of the way that she shows number in several ways.

33 Replies to “The Common Core – Measurement & Data Pt. II”

  1. I like how see put the numbers after they counted and sorted the boys in the classroom from the girls. Plus giving the children a picture imagine is important for young children. Lisa Murphy

  2. I will be collecting data with my 2 year olds after a taste of 3 different kinds of apples, since our Fall Festival Theme is Apple Orchard. They will taste a red, green, and yellow apple and decide which one they like the most.

  3. My students love to count and sort during our meal times, they often times count how many boys there are vs. girls, teachers are always excluded because we aren\’t kids.

  4. We often use the long and short sleeve activity with the two year olds. It\’s a great visual for those who are learning about size.

  5. We will be using a counting and sorting activity using shoes. We will graph all information gathered from the activity.

  6. I do a project with graphing items that sink or float. I draw pictures to represent each concrete object then ask the children to place the drawn item into the correct category of \”sink\” or \”float\” then we add up each column.

  7. We often collect data and graph in our classroom. we will ask questions to help the students interpret the data.

  8. I will be using wooden blocks to measure students height in class and make a graph from the information we have gathered with the children\’s help.

  9. We collected data on ice cream choices, and then made a visual graph with pictures of each child eating their favorite ice cream. Then we also did a graph using the \”silly Ice Cream\” flavors that we thought up, and we used the data to create the graph to show who liked what \”silly Ice Cream\” and if they thought it would taste good or not
    Catherine Hill

  10. I have a chart in my room to help with attendance. When the child walks in the move there picture from home to school. Everyday when I do attendance we have a conversation about who is at school and who stayed home.

    1. In our 4-5’s classrooms at Daycare, we practice this also! It makes it an interesting way to engage the children in learning about data collection and analysis in a way that makes the most sense to them and elicits good conversation… We also like to ask the students a new question each week, (ex. Do you like pizza?) and the children will record their responses with their name tags placed under the yes or no column. This also provides great conversation about early math concepts in a way that catches their attention! 🙂

  11. Graphing items such as the children’s favorite food or what kind of pet they have is a good way for children to see how many of each item. Putting a number with the chart helps the children to connect the pictures with numbers.

  12. the fact that we can represent data in different ways will make it in trusting for the children and the more complex the questions get the mare we can find ways of sorting data and get inputs from children about how we can do it

  13. We will be collecting data with our Show and Tell. We will use gifts and will categorize them by size, shape and color, one category at the time

  14. Since my children are 15 months old I like using our bin of zoo or farm animals and then they sort them by animal comparison and we collect the data of how many of each kind of animal are in each set. Holds their interest well.

  15. Young learners like to explore.
    When I work with them, they love to gather information that allows them to move around and investigate.
    They feel like helpers when bringing back the information requested.
    They take pride in their contribution to a project.
    I believe that this is what makes data collection so fun for young learners.

  16. I like how the teacher included shapes as well to show how many students there are as well. This helps young children to grasp the concept of date collection.

  17. I like how using charts will help teachers form questions for the children to interpret the data.

  18. I like this activity for various types of learners and it can also be useful for English language learners by having the visual representations.

  19. Phyllis like how they was using charts will help with asking the children questions from the chart

  20. we asked what kind of pets the children had. we then made a graph of the different types of pets that were given. It was fun for the kids and I even learned a few things

  21. we asked about favorite fruit and then put a picture on the bottom of graph. We asked the children and then drew boxes to measure each one’s vote. We counted and wrote the number on the top.

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