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The Morton Arboretum

by Early Math Counts

Many years ago, the Morton Arboretum held a contest for designers, architects, landscapers, contractors and artists to design unique tree houses.  Those who were chosen, received funds to build their tree houses at the Arboretum which then stood as a special exhibit for about 6 months.  My husband, who is a landscaper and his best friend, who is an architect, designed the Family Treehouse which was chosen for the exhibit, built it and ultimately moved it when the event was over.  It was then reassembled at my children’s grammar school, where it stands to this day.

This was my first experience spending time at the Morton Arboretum.  It is a gem.  Even though you will have to drive there, and it appears to be kind of expensive to get in, it is an amazing place for children and families.  It is HUGE; bigger than you can imagine, with more to explore than you could hope for.

childrensgardenmap-mediumThis is a map of the children’s garden.  There is so much for you kids to do even in this smaller area, it may be worth the cost of admission.  I did notice on their website that Wednesdays have a discounted admission, although I couldn’t find the actual reduced price.

You can find out more information here.

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