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Tom Copeland’s Taking Care of Business

by Early Math Counts

This blog focuses solely on the business of child care.  Tom writes about tax preparation, hiring and firing, the law, advocacy, and a host of other topics that are applicable to our work.

What I love about this Blog is that he will write about things that you are thinking about.  He responds to all posted questions with answers that are easy to understand and links to pertinent sites.

This is a small business owner’s dream.

5 Replies to “Tom Copeland’s Taking Care of Business”

  1. His blog is amazing and so informative. I also have him on Facebook, which is also awesome. He is a great resource and if you send him a question, he will respond. I have been to several of his conferences and own a lot of his books.

    1. I am so glad you know about him. How do you find out about his conferences? I would love to put it out there for the readers.

      1. I usually hear about his conferences through another association or through my local resource and referral agency. He may post them on his blog or Facebook, but not really sure. He does a lot of webinars too. These are usually announced on his blog or through NAFCC (National Association for Family Child Care).

  2. i see these also on his website for webinar or training. I think also agreed with sandy at conference.

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