Check out Engineering Explorers, our newest online resource! (cont.)

by Early Math Counts

Hopefully, you have now made the connection between this blog and the Early Math Counts website.  Some of you may be accessing this blog directly, while others have found it through the website home page.  Either way, we are glad you are here.

Today we are going to take a look at the “Increase Your Knowledge” page on the Early Math Counts website.  This page and its content was designed for the early childhood professional as well as the early childhood layperson (parent or guardian) who wants to increase their own knowledge about basic math concepts.

If you scroll to the middle of the page you will see seven small images that will link you to short, informative videos.  These are about 3-5 minutes each and will either serve as a reminder about math concepts you may have learned many years ago (some of us haven’t been in school for awhile) or may be completely new to you.

The more we deepen our own understandings of math concepts the better we will be able to serve children.  As our own knowledge increases so does our confidence in working with specific material.

Click on the “Data and Probability” link and watch the video.  What do you think?  Did you learn something new or did you dust off some old memories of math concepts long since buried?

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