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Strategies for Working with Diverse Families- Children with Special Needs

As we move briskly toward a more inclusive world, we are going to encounter more and more children with special needs who are mainstreamed into programs that were originally designed for typically-developing children.  Inclusive schools and programs are good for everyone- not just for the children with special needs and their families. The first thing […]

March’s Thursday Themes- Music

  Music is both a social and cultural construct and a mighty powerful force in human lives.  Since the beginning of recorded history, there is evidence of music in the everyday lives of people.  Imagine the world before IPods, CD’s, record players, and radios, before recorded music and electricity.  Music existed inside homes and communities […]

Early Learning and Development Standards-A Closer Look

This month I am going to write a bit each Tuesday about the new Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards in Mathematics.  For each of the “Goals” there is an accompanying “Learning Standard” followed by a set of “Benchmarks” that are then described by “Example Performance Indicators.” The first goal in the Mathematics section is […]