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Logic, Puzzles, Brain Teasers & Games

posted by Stephanie Forsman I love playing games, doing puzzles, and figuring out a good brain teaser. I do the New York Times Crossword Puzzle everyday and while I struggle in the later half of the week, I love learning new information, keeping my brain sharp, and that sense of accomplishment after I have successfully […]


posted by Stephanie Forsman Measurement is an area of my math curriculum that I often feel gets neglected, rushed through, and sometimes, at crunch time, overlooked all together.  As a result, I have worked on infusing small aspects of measurement into the routines of the day.  From linear measurement to volume, weight and mass to […]

Cooking with Preschoolers

posted by Alison Balis Hirsch Cooking with kids offers a wonderful array of learning opportunities for young children. It provides practice in language arts (vocabulary and “reading” a recipe), science (chemistry and exploring the senses), and developing social skills (cooperation and turn-taking). The kitchen also provides a range of math practice such as counting, measuring, […]

Classroom Jobs: The Snack Helper

posted by Alison Hirsch Balis There are many reasons to provide “jobs” for children in the preschool setting. A job shows the importance of the child’s contribution to the group and his/her affect on the social fabric that is the class community; it provides practice in children’s developing social skills, such as speaking in front […]

Order in the Classroom

by Alison Balis Hirsch or·der ˈôrdər/ noun: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method an authoritative command, direction or instruction  verb: to put into a methodical, systematic arrangement to bring about order One of the first learning experiences I recall as […]

The Importance of Daily Routines

Following a daily routine at school provides stability for children, allowing them to feel more secure in the classroom setting. The schedule should not be rigid; in fact, the ideal schedule is flexible and adapts to both the needs and interests of the kids, allowing for spontaneity within the structure of the school day. A […]