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Bedtime Math Redux

Early Math Counts’s Dr. Kathleen Sheridan sent me this link last week.  It will take you to a pretty cool website called “Bedtime Math”.  Founded by parents, this not-for-profit organization is funded by private donors who simply want to increase math opportunities for young children in school and at home.  This is not unlike the […]

Another Number Line

Last week I wrote about a floor-sized number line that creates endless possibilities  for mathematic-related activities in the classroom.  Later that same day, I found this one that is just different enough that I thought I should write about it as well. It is pretty big just like the other one, but this one only goes from […]

Math Scores Are Up in Illinois

This morning’s Chicago Tribune reported the results of last spring’s ISAT tests (for those of you outside of Illinois these are the dreaded Illinois Standards Achievement Tests). Passing scores were increased recently supposedly to better prepare students for more difficult exams in the future.  Just as expected, the passing rates fell just as the the Common Core […]

Math at the Museum of Science and Industry

Did you know the Museum of Science and Industry has replaced the ancient “Petroleum” exhibit with a new exhibit called “Numbers in Nature”? Last week, this article in the Chicago Tribune described the new math space and it sounds fabulous.  The Mirror Maze terrifies me, but I might drive on down to Hyde Park to see […]