As April showers bring May flowers, so too, do they bring bugs. This month, we are going to explore Bugs as our Thursday Theme. The possibilities are endless as bugs are endlessly fascinating to so many children. If you find creepy crawlies unbearable, you may have to fake it for the sake of the kids. […]
I saw this video this morning and thought I should share it. So beautiful.
Did you hear? The governor has approved a new mandate that insists that all people who work with young children, regardless of location (school, center, or home based) are paid a minimum of $100,000 per year with a cost-of-living increase each year working in the profession. In addition, he has added that benefits for child […]
Tomorrow we celebrate April Fools’ Day, although ‘celebrating’ is a bit of an exaggeration. For our purposes, it is probably enough to remind children that this is the one day of the year when we play small jokes or pranks on one another, all in good fun. I also like it because it always falls […]
I vividly remember the days when every single toy in my classroom was dumped out onto the floor and the thought of cleaning all of them up making me feel sick to my stomach. I know that this is the reason a lot of teachers only allow certain areas of the room to be open […]
Last week on Friday’s Focus on Families, I wrote about Continuity of Care and how healthy and strong attachments to caregivers might create a sense of unease in some parents. A few hours later, I received an email from a Early Math Counts reader who told me this story. A few months after my daughter […]
Just as a child will eventually string two and then three words together to create a truncated sentence, so too, the child who signs. And just as children learn to speak from hearing the spoken word, so too, children learn to sign from watching their caregivers sign. The next and most obvious way to begin […]
I remember these days. For those of you who work with toddlers, multiply this list by the number of children in your care. It gets a lot less funny. 99 Valid Reasons Your Toddler Might Get Out Of Bed – See more at:
There is nothing I love as much as taking a nap. There are few things in life that are as indulgent as crawling into bed at two in the afternoon when every other adult you know is working, burrowing under the covers and falling asleep. Now the National Institute of Health is telling us what […]
When we speak about “continuity of care” in ECE, we are usually referring to continuous care from one provider over several years. For infants and toddlers, it is generally thought best if they remain with the same caregiver throughout this segment of the lifespan. Now we know that practically speaking, this isn’t always the case. […]