Just as a child will eventually string two and then three words together to create a truncated sentence, so too, the child who signs. And just as children learn to speak from hearing the spoken word, so too, children learn to sign from watching their caregivers sign. The next and most obvious way to begin […]
I remember these days. For those of you who work with toddlers, multiply this list by the number of children in your care. It gets a lot less funny. 99 Valid Reasons Your Toddler Might Get Out Of Bed – See more at: http://www.thehonesttoddler.com/2014/03/99-valid-reasons-your-toddler-might-get_25.html?m=1#sthash.uIGdMXIS.dpuf
There is nothing I love as much as taking a nap. There are few things in life that are as indulgent as crawling into bed at two in the afternoon when every other adult you know is working, burrowing under the covers and falling asleep. Now the National Institute of Health is telling us what […]
When we speak about “continuity of care” in ECE, we are usually referring to continuous care from one provider over several years. For infants and toddlers, it is generally thought best if they remain with the same caregiver throughout this segment of the lifespan. Now we know that practically speaking, this isn’t always the case. […]
You have just put a two-year old on the swing at the part. She is delighted going back and forth. After a couple of minutes she begins to look unhappy. You ask her, “Do you want to go faster?” She still looks distraught. You ask her, “Do you want to go slower?” Nothing. Now imagine […]
Can you imagine how smart we would be if we learned at the rate an infant does? Babies are born with all sorts of innate abilities to make sense of the world around them. Many of those are designed as self-preservation and many others are simply driven by a need to know more, understand more. […]
The other day I observed a room of younger toddlers, none of whom was older than 20 months. One child spent his whole morning playing with this large set of beads.They come with a long string that is easily pushed through the large holes. The string has a helpful plastic cylinder on the end that […]
Today is Pi Day!!!!! Nerds love Pi Day! Mathematicians love Pi Day! (holla Noah and Len) Physicists love Pi Day! I love Pi Day! Today – the children in your program will come to love Pi Day as well. Take a look at all of the Afternoon Snack Posts from this week to see how you […]
Pi Day wouldn’t be complete without PIE for lunch. Mini chicken pot pies are a perfectly balanced and delicious lunch that most young children really like. I often cook my own because I can make sure that they are super healthy by controlling the fat and the kind of chicken that is inside. Many home […]
I bet you already use the ASL hand gestures for some directions. The sign for “up” is a finger pointing up and the sign for “down” is a finger pointing down. These signs are useful for an infant who wants to be picked up or put down and allows them to tell you so without […]