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Question Marks, Ampersands, and Hashtags, OH MY!

I know you all know what a question mark is.  It is the punctuation sign at the end of a sentence that replaces a period (full stop) and signifies a question. Question marks are also called interrogation points, interrogation marks, question points, query, and erotemes. But what is an Amerpsand? You know it when you […]

Create an Environment Conducive to Assessment

In order to assess children’s learning systematically, classrooms need to be set up so teachers can do so.  In order to conduct formal and informal assessments throughout the day, teachers need enough time and space to jot down notes, use checklists, take photographs, and collect information about children.  Teachers can only do this if they […]

Assessing Children’s Learning

How do we know children are learning what we think they are learning?  How can we be sure that the activities we plan and execute are supporting children so they construct knowledge? Early childhood teachers prepare the environment and plan the curriculum based on the interests of their children, what their children already know and […]

Early Education in America Since the Great Depression

I know that most of you will be smack dab in the middle of your workday, but if by chance you are home, have a break, or are driving somewhere, tune in on Tuesday, January 21st from 10 – 11:30 Eastern Time to hear listen to a discussion hosted by the New American Foundation on […]