What do you when parents either a) brag about their children or b) harshly criticize their children? I was thinking about this the other day when I realized that both of these behaviors are deeply cultural. Although, there are probably braggarts and criticizers from all over the world and from all walks of life, there […]
Holly Elissa Bruno has a background in law and higher education administration but is really known for her work in early childhood education management. Her website is chock full of wonderful articles about leading early childhood programs with insightful examples that I know you will find applicable to your work. My favorite area of the […]
The 3rd part of the first standard focuses on comparison greater than, less than, or equal to (the same). Compare numbers. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.C.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies.1 CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.C.7 Compare two numbers […]
I ran out to San Francisco this week to speak at the Professional Development Institute, one of the annual NAEYC conferences. Kathy, Cathy and I spoke (again) about the Early Math Counts project, which I will write about another day. One of my best friends lives in SF now with her husband and 2 young […]
The second Domain in the area of Counting & Cardinality is divided into 2 main standards as described below. Count to tell the number of objects. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4 Understand the relationship between numbers and quantities; connect counting to cardinality. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.B.4a When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only […]
In case you missed it, the front page editorial in the Sunday Review section of the New York Times yesterday was called, “Who’s Minding the Schools?” and outlined some real and perhaps not-so-real concerns about the Common Core. Since I have been unpacking the Mathematics Common Core for kindergarten, I thought I would post the […]
Early child-parent relationships, often called “attachments” form the foundational basis for the child’s emotional and social functioning later in life. The lifelong emotional ties between children and their parents is usually developed during the first year of life. It is not unusual for children to develop attachments to several adults including grandparents, child care providers, […]
This blog takes a look at nearly every aspect of education imaginable. There are posts about early childhood and development as well as school policy, educational politics and kindergarten readiness. If you simply browse the list of tags to the right of the Home Page, you will see the range of posts, many (most) of […]
This past weekend I stopped by a two-year old’s birthday party. The weather was holding out even though storms were predicted for the entire day. My friend Jessie built this Cookie Monster Corn Hole Game that was the hit of the party. She admitted to stealing the idea off of Pinterest, but who cares […]
There are three areas in the Domain of Counting and Cardinality. Today, I am looking at the very first one “Know Number Names and the Count Sequence”. The 3 specific standards associated with the first domain are described below. Know number names and the count sequence. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.2 Count […]