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Blog Archive

Supporting Healthy Attachments

Early child-parent relationships, often called “attachments” form the foundational basis for the child’s emotional and social functioning later in life.  The lifelong emotional ties between children and their parents is usually developed during the first year of life.  It is not unusual for children to develop attachments to several adults including grandparents, child care providers, […]

The Whole Child Blog

This blog takes a look at nearly every aspect of education imaginable.  There are posts about early childhood and development as well as school policy, educational politics and kindergarten readiness. If you simply browse the list of tags to the right of the Home Page, you will see the range of posts, many (most) of […]

The Common Core- Counting & Cardinality Part 1

There are three areas in the Domain of Counting and Cardinality.  Today, I am looking at the very first one “Know Number Names and the Count Sequence”.  The 3 specific standards associated with the first domain are described below. Know number names and the count sequence. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.1 Count to 100 by ones and by tens. CCSS.Math.Content.K.CC.A.2 Count […]

Designing Meaningful Curriculum for All Families

One of the biggest issues in working with and engaging families is that they often do not feel that the curriculum that is offered at their children’s program reflects the reality of their lives.  The day-to-day stresses of raising young children while working full-time are a reality for many families. Knowing your families is the […]

The Child Care Lounge

I may be late to the party because you might know this site already, but I just found the Child Care Lounge.  This is a GREAT website.  It is written in Pennsylvania, but you can choose topics and trainings based on your state.  There are articles that are pertinent and timely, ideas for curriculum, and […]

Common Core – Mathematics

The mathematics standards in the Common Core for kindergarten focus on 5 key areas; Number and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Numbers and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data, and Geometry.  According to the website: In Kindergarten, instructional time should focus on two critical areas: (1) representing and comparing whole numbers, initially with sets […]


I don’t know what these manipulatives are actually called so I am calling them “Acropeople.”  I saw these while visiting a student at her center, and the children were so excited to play with them, I thought they were worth exploring. The Acropeople come in 3 sizes – small, medium and large.  They come in […]