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Continuing to Unpack the Standards — Goal 8, Learning Standard A

Goal 8 of the Early Learning and Development Standards is to Identify and describe common attributes, patterns and relationships in objects. Learning Standard A — Explore objects and patterns. Benchmarks 8.A.ECa – Sort, order, compare and describe objects according to characteristics or attributes. 8.A.ECb – Recognize, duplicate, extend and create simple patterns in various formats. Example […]

Teaching Time

On Monday we looked at a really great classroom tool that helps children keep track of time.  That is a very different idea than telling time.  It takes children a long time to be able to look at a traditional clock face and tell the time.  They need to be able to count to 60, […]

IELDS – Goal 7, Learning Standards B and C

Learning Standards B and C continue to describe the state expectations for young children and early measurement concepts. Learning Standard B – Begin to make estimates of measurements. Benchmarks 7.B.ECa  Practice estimating in everyday play and solving everyday measurement problems. Example Performance Descriptors Make predictions and estimations during play (e.g., estimate how many scoops of […]