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Blog Archive

Marian Wright Edelman and Gun Violence

The first time I read anything by Marian Wright Edelman, I was a student at the University of Illinois-Chicago, and I remember feeling so moved by her words.  Our professor had assigned “The Measure of Our Success” and I felt that every page was inspirational, truthful, enlightening and thought-provoking. Yesterday, the Children’s Defense Fund publicized […]

Virtual Tangrams

On Monday, I wrote about the Chinese puzzle “Tangrams.”  This website allows children to complete puzzles with the Tangram shapes on the screen.  There are easy puzzles and harder puzzles.  I am spatially-challenged so even the easiest puzzles are too hard for me.  However, there are some children who have really strong spatial skills who […]


A Tangram is a Chinese puzzle that has 7 shapes.  They are always the same, in every set.  There are: • Two large right triangles • One medium-sized right triangle • Two small right triangles • One small square • One parallelogram According to Gwen Dewar, PhD. in Parenting Science (2009) Arranged correctly, the shapes […]

Afternoon Snack???

No, this is not about food (well it might be, sometimes).  It is just a little tidbit of information to keep you thinking about math all day long.  These will appear from time to time….just to keep everyone excited about math.