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Blog Archive

Geoboard Website

I wrote about Geoboards the other day when discussing topology. I found this website when looking for a good picture of a Geoboard as well as a place to buy them.  This website creates a “virtual” geoboard that children can manipulate.  When you open it, a geoboard appears and you can click on the rubber bands […]

Large Colored Beads

Large colorful lacing beads are a wonderful tool to work on sequencing and patterns.  Many children will approach this manipulative with a certain amount of trepidation as “lacing” is hard and requires fairly developed fine motor skills and strong hand-eye coordination.  Many children work for a long time simply trying to get one bead on […]

A Deck of Cards

We were taking some pictures of math manipulatives for online professional development program we are creating, and we got to talking about “bought” materials vs. “found” materials.  Over the past couple of years, I have written a lot about both; from expensive hand-made, wooden puzzles to recycled egg cartons.  They all have their place in […]

Geometry and Topology

Before children begin studying geometry the way we understand it, they explore the world of “topology.”  Topology is the study of space and shapes; their properties and their relationships.  They consider their own place in space, where they are, and how far they are from their others.  They think about the relationships between objects and the […]