The Name Game
Sing and clap along to the tune of “Bingo.” There was a boy with dark brown eyes and Timmy was his name – O! T – I – M – M – Y, T – I – M – M – Y, T – I – M – M – Y and Timmy was […]
Sing and clap along to the tune of “Bingo.” There was a boy with dark brown eyes and Timmy was his name – O! T – I – M – M – Y, T – I – M – M – Y, T – I – M – M – Y and Timmy was […]
“Do you know about our Magic Tree?” four-year-old Rowan asks Alex. She pauses dramatically before passing on the secret of the beloved old tree that has long been a source of delight and inquiry for the children in our early learning program. “Watch, Alex!” she instructs. “I will push this stick into the tree, way […]
“Who wants soup? I am making soup for lunch today!” Eleanor shouts to anyone willing to join her as she “cooks up” her concoction. Eleanor is our concoction wizard. She can often be found adding loose parts to a large pot of water, mixing away while she muses about the ingredients she needs to […]
Each spring, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of the growing season—from the greening carpet of grass to the buds bursting into blossom on the trees. We especially delight in the dandelions that can turn any grassy area into a STEM wonderland! Dandelions introduce so many math adventures into our early childhood program. The neighborhood park […]
I watch as two-year-old Thalhah works his way through a 60-piece puzzle. I’ve seen this child spend hours quietly working his way through puzzle after puzzle—which leads me to wonder if some children are just better at solving puzzles than others. Is puzzle-solving an innate skill? Or can any child become a puzzle master? […]
“Can you read it again? PLEASE?” Frigid temps and gray days lead to lots of reading as we weather the winter season. As February unfolds, I am thrilled to present a series of STEM books guaranteed to educate, enrich and entertain early learners while the snow flies. It’s difficult to find books that balance exceptional […]
Simon says: “Fold your arms!” Simon says: “Touch both elbows at the same time!” Simon says: “Hug yourself!” Simon says: “Hug yourself and twist! Touch your finger!” Gotcha! Ah, Simon Says never gets old! This classic game teaches body awareness and listening skills while encouraging children to cross the midline. This short break in the […]
It’s my turn! It’s my turn! Maya is jumping up and down, eagerly anticipating her chance to climb UP the slide with the assistance of a rope. “Whoa,” she says with a giggle. “This is hard!” The children are no strangers to climbing up a slide. But the addition of a rope challenges them to […]
“LOOK! We have icicles!” “Can I have one? I need one!” On this brisk winter morning—much to the children’s delight—nature has given us the gift of icicles. The children’s fascination with these frozen treasures leads to an abundance of “teachable moments” as we engage in some STEM learning while getting some fresh air and exercise. Soon […]
Truth be told, I did not write today’s blog. Written by past blogger Jen Asimow, this post dates back to December 2014. Although seven years have passed, Jen’s words still ring true and remain relevant. Her classic post, Top 10 Ways to Keep Calm This Holiday Season, is a welcome and much-needed reminder that we […]