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Blog Archive

Do Teachers Make A Difference in Early Math Education?

Invariably, yes.  Highly qualified teachers – defined as those with a Bachelor’s Degree or higher and paid public school salaries- do produce consistently higher gains for children in the area of math.  This comes from the Early Math in Illinois: Recognizing and Raising the Profile report, researched and written by Dr. Sallee Beneke. Well-prepared teachers […]

The Smart Phone

This may not come as a surprise to those of you who currently have very young children or who currently work with very young children, but last night, while out with my family at a local restaurant, a young mom was holding her baby and her smart phone, and, if I didn’t know better, I […]

A Nice Story

Last week, I was fortunate to speak at an Opening Minds event for Infant and Toddler providers.  It took place at University Center downtown on State Street.  When I arrived, I was so pleased to see a few familiar faces and many, many new ones. The goal of my presentation was to introduce more people […]

Limiting Factors in Early Math Education

The author of Early Math in Illinois: Recognizing and Raising the Profile, Dr. Sallee Beneke, describes the ways in which opportunities to learn math are limited for many young children. Think about your own work and consider if any of these apply to you. 1.  There is little time devoted to math learning.  If you […]

Graphing the CTA

I live in the Windy City.  We in Chicago love the CTA.  Most of us use it pretty regularly.  I spend quite a bit of time at child care centers in the center of the downtown area where the children arrive each day on one of the many trains that pass through the area. I […]

Did you know

…that you can “like” the Early Math Counts blog on your social media pages by clicking on the link below each post?  That way, if you have friends or colleagues in the field of early care and education, they too, can benefit from the Early Math Counts website.

Why Don’t All Children Have Access to High Quality Math Education?

This is one of the most important questions that the author of Early Math in Illinois: Recognizing and Raising the Profile explores in depth.  She outlines many of the factors that result in inequitable access to quality math education during the early years, but focuses primarily on socio-economic disparities and language barriers as two of […]