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Using Assessments to Communicate with Parents about their Children

One of the most important ways we can help parents understand the role of assessment in their children’s education is to include them as much as possible before, during and after assessments take place.  That means, if you conduct regular assessments as a part of your daily routines, parents should be made aware of that. […]

One Last Compare and Contrast Literary Idea

I really like children’s books that honor cultural diversity in meaningful, fun and engaging ways.  Another opportunity to compare and contrast book themes with your children would be to choose a couple of books that celebrate similarities and differences between people. Hairs/Pelitos by Sandra Cisneros is a beautiful bilingual book about a family – and their […]

NAEYC Position Statement on Assessing Young Children’s Learning

This link will take you to the page on the NAEYC website associated with Curriculum, Assessment and Program Evaluation.  Here you will find position statements that outline best practices, current concerns and recent trends in early childhood assessment.  I often go to the NAEYC website to see what our national professional association has to say […]

Brown Bear

I know that I have written about my love of Eric Carle in the past but this month’s theme of comparing and contrasting using children’s books reminded me of a wonderful interaction I observed last year while visiting one of my practicum students. The children in her classroom had been studying Eric Carle for a […]