Early Childhood Benefits All
Nobel prize winner and University of Chicago Professor believes that early childhood education benefits all children Read about it here : The Heckman Equation
Nobel prize winner and University of Chicago Professor believes that early childhood education benefits all children Read about it here : The Heckman Equation
How do we know children are learning what we think they are learning? How can we be sure that the activities we plan and execute are supporting children so they construct knowledge? Early childhood teachers prepare the environment and plan the curriculum based on the interests of their children, what their children already know and […]
Here are some numbers, in the form of dates, times, and statistics to think about as you honor Dr. Martin Luther King’s life and legacy this year. Born – 1929 Age when he entered high school – 15 Age when he earned his PhD 25 Years married to Coretta Scott King – 16 Number of […]
I know that most of you will be smack dab in the middle of your workday, but if by chance you are home, have a break, or are driving somewhere, tune in on Tuesday, January 21st from 10 – 11:30 Eastern Time to hear listen to a discussion hosted by the New American Foundation on […]
The most common mathematical signs that young children will begin seeing and using are the +, -, and = signs used to perform simple addition and subtraction. The addition sign (+) shows that one number is to be added to the other. If children have concrete examples of items in front of them and they […]
This company has some really nice toys for good prices. You can shop by types, age, materials, and price. The clearance page has all sorts of toys that would be great additions to your manipulatives area. There is also a tab that allows you to find local retailers who carry their products.
When I was a preschool director, I prided myself on having the most interesting and fabulous indoor gross motor equipment available. To be fair, the program had invested a lot of resources in much of that equipment before I arrived. That didn’t stop me from scouring the catalogues for the newest designs and fighting for […]
Game playing is in and of itself, one of the great ways young children make sense about the world. They learn how to take turns, test rules, negotiate conflict, work cooperatively, and practice early reading and mathematical skills. I have written about game play over the past couple of years (board games, noncompetitive games, gross motor […]
I couldn’t stop looking at these photographs of the Most Amazing Playgrounds in the World. They are a great reminder about how important play is and how we need to ensure that children have safe, clean, inspirational, and engaging places to play in. I just love thinking about all children having access to playgrounds […]