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Small World Toys

This company has some really nice toys for good prices.  You can shop by types, age, materials, and price.  The clearance page has all sorts of toys that would be great additions to your manipulatives area.  There is also a tab that allows you to find local retailers who carry their products.

One Last Idea about Game Playing

Game playing is in and of itself, one of the great ways young children make sense about the world.  They learn how to take turns, test rules, negotiate conflict, work cooperatively, and practice early reading and mathematical skills. I have written about game play over the past couple of years (board games, noncompetitive games, gross motor […]

Dice with Signs

I’ve written about dice in the past on a couple of occasions but this set has not only pips, but cardinal numbers and signs as well. 6 and the ways those numbers are represented by pips on a die, you can add the dice with signs, just to liven things up.  These are large enough that they […]