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Blog Archive

How Children in Your State Fare

Have you seen this map from the Children’s Defense Fund? You can click on each state and a pop-up appears with statistics about children; including low birth percentages, mortality rates and the amount of money that is expended per child for education.  These are presented as comparisons so you can see how the children in […]

The Green Fish Chronicles

The Green Fish Chronicles is a Blog written by a family child care provider for family home care providers, i.e., YOU!  You are going to love this Blog.  Misti, the Blogger, writes about various business-type issues that will be immediately applicable to your work.  She explores curricular ideas, environments, day-to-day issues, and family connections. I […]

Goal 9 – Learning Standard B

Demonstrate an understanding of location and ordinal position, using appropriate vocabulary. Benchmarks 9.B.ECa Show understanding of location and ordinal position 9.B.ECb Use appropriate vocabulary for identifying location  and ordinal position. Example Performance Descriptors Respond appropriately to request to place an object somewhere in space in relation to other objects (i.e., put doll in front of […]

The Tinkering Lab at the Chicago Children’s Museum

I took this picture at the Chicago Children’s Museum in the new Tinkering Lab.  It is an incredible space filled with all sorts of materials that will stimulate children’s curiosity and creativity. Take a look at their website and a description of this magnificent new area of the museum.   You should consider a field trip […]

Caring for the Child

Uphill battles. I have many. For some reason this year has presented me with one that is driving me crazy. Why do people who work with children still call what we do “daycare”?  We do not care for the day- we care for the child. Now I understand that people who are not in the […]