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Early Learning Standards – Old Vs. New A Side-by-Side Look

A colleague of mine just sent me this document the Comparison of the IELS and the IELDS.  Here you can see the old Illinois Early Learning Standards side-by-side with the new Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards. It is really interesting to look at how they’ve changed.  Can you imagine the conversations that were required […]

Puzzles and Howard Gardner

Do you think some people are good at solving puzzles and others are not?  Is puzzle-solving a skill you are born with or can everyone eventually learn how to solve puzzles?  Are you a puzzle solver? Howard Gardner of Harvard University argues that we all have various intelligences that manifest themselves in varying amounts and […]

Music Elements and Math- Tempo

Tempo is the speed of music.  Here, it is really easy to see the mathematical connections.  Fastness and slowness are mathematical ideas that we can explore fully with children through music. Consider the song “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes”.  First we sing it slowly.. Head, shoulders, knees and toes Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees […]

Early Learning and Development Standards C & D

I thought we should double-up this week since both of these Learning Standards are relatively brief and easy-to-understsand.  Both of these can be found under State Goal 6 -Demonstrate beginning understanding of numbers, including names and numerals. Learning Standard C – Begin to make reasonable estimates of numbers. There is only one Benchmark for Learning Standard […]

Puzzles and the Zone of Proximal Development

When I teach about Lev Vygotsky and his renowned theory of the “Zone of Proximal Development” I use puzzles as means of illustrating the principles in an understandable way. Remember this… As adults or more competent peers support a child’s learning, the child moves from one level in which he can complete tasks independently to […]

Strategies for Working With Diverse Families – Definitions of “Family”

I love diversity.  I love that is brings new ways of living and loving into our world, expands our understandings of humanity and provides us with new ways of thinking and being.  This is good for everyone. The notion of the “traditional nuclear family” with 2 parents (a mom and a dad) and 2.5 children […]